# Adjust Usage > **If there is anything in this document that is not clear, is incorrect, or that requires more detail, please file a request through a [Github](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/focus-android/issues) or [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Focus&component=General). Also feel free to submit corrections or additional information.** Firefox Focus (but not Firefox Klar) tracks certain types of installs using a third-party install tracking framework called Adjust. The intention is to determine the origin of Firefox Focus installs by answering the question, “Did this user on this device install Firefox Focus in response to a specific advertising campaign performed by Mozilla?” The framework consists of a software development kit (SDK) linked into Firefox Focus and a data-collecting Internet service backend run by the German company [adjust GmbH](https://www.adjust.com). The Adjust SDK is open source and MIT licensed. It is hosted at [https://github.com/adjust/android_sdk](https://github.com/adjust/android_sdk). Firefox Focus pulls in an unmodified copy of the SDK using Gradle. The [build.gradle](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/focus-android/blob/master/app/build.gradle) contains the version of the framework that is being used. The SDK is documented at [https://docs.adjust.com](https://docs.adjust.com). ## Adjust Integration The Adjust framework is abstracted via the [AdjustHelper](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/focus-android/blob/master/app/src/focusRelease/java/org/mozilla/focus/utils/AdjustHelper.java) class. All interaction with Adjust happens via this class. ## Adjust Messages The Adjust SDK collects and sends one type of message to the Adjust backend: * At the start of a new application session, a *Session Message* is sent with basic system info and how often the app has been used since the last time. The message is documented below in more detail of what is sent in each HTTP request. All messages are posted to a secure endpoint at `https://app.adjust.com`. They are all `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` HTTP `POST` requests. ### Session Message #### Request ``` bundle_id: org.mozilla.focus tracking_enabled: 0 language: en country: CA app_version: 4.2 device_name: Pixel 2 app_version_short: 2.0 needs_response_details: 0 attribution_deeplink: 1 session_count: 1 os_name: android event_buffering_enabled: 0 idfv: 8D452BFB-0692-4E8C-9DE0-7578486A872E hardware_name: J127AP app_token: xxxxxxxxxxxx os_version: 10.1 environment: production created_at: 2016-11-10T20:34:39.720Z-0500 device_type: phone idfa: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 sent_at: 2016-11-10T20:34:39.787Z-0500 ``` These parameters (including ones not exposed to Mozilla) are documented at [https://partners.adjust.com/placeholders/](https://partners.adjust.com/placeholders/) #### Response If the application was successfully attributed to a specific campaign, details for that campaign are sent back as a JSON response: ``` { "app_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxx", "adid": "00000000000000000000", "attribution" { "tracker_token": "xxxxxx", "tracker_name": "Network::CAMPAIGN::ADGROUP::CREATIVE", "network": "Network", "campaign":"CAMPAIGN", "adgroup":"ADGROUP", "creative":"CREATIVE" } } ``` The application has no use for this information and ignores it.