clang-format ============ `clang-format `__ is a tool to reformat C/C++ to the right coding style. Run Locally ----------- The mozlint integration of clang-format can be run using mach: .. parsed-literal:: $ mach lint --linter clang-format Configuration ------------- To enable clang-format on new directory, add the path to the include section in the :searchfox:`clang-format.yml ` file. While excludes: will work, this linter will read the ignore list from :searchfox:`.clang-format-ignore file <.clang-format-ignore>` at the root directory. This because it is also used by the ./mach clang-format -p command. Autofix ------- clang-format can reformat the code with the option `--fix` (based on the upstream option `-i`). To highlight the results, we are using the ``--dry-run`` option (from clang-format 10). Sources ------- * :searchfox:`Configuration (YAML) ` * :searchfox:`Source `