Ignorefile Lint =============== Ignorefile lint is a linter for ``.gitignore`` and ``.hgignore`` files, to verify those files have equivalent entries. Each pattern is roughly compared, ignoring punctuations, to absorb the syntax difference. Run Locally ----------- The mozlint integration of ignorefile linter can be run using mach: .. parsed-literal:: $ mach lint --linter ignorefile Special syntax -------------- The following special comment can be used to ignore the pattern in the next line. .. parsed-literal:: # lint-ignore-next-line: git-only # lint-ignore-next-line: hg-only The next line exists only in ``.gitignore``. or ``.hgignore``. .. parsed-literal:: # lint-ignore-next-line: syntax-difference The next line's pattern needs to be represented differently between ``.gitignore`` and ``.hgignore``. This can be used when the ``.hgignore`` uses complex pattern which cannot be represented in single pattern in ``.gitignore``. Sources ------- * :searchfox:`Configuration (YAML) ` * :searchfox:`Source `