========================= Inspect and select colors ========================= In the CSS Pane's :ref:`Rules view `, if a rule contains a color value, you'll see a sample of the color next to the value: .. image:: inspector-css-color-swatch.png A color sample is also shown for CSS custom properties (variables) that represent colors. .. image:: css_color_vars.png :alt: CSS in the Rules pane showing a color swatch on a CSS variable :class: border If you click on the color sample, you'll see a color picker popup, enabling you to change the color: .. image:: color-picker-good-contrast.png :alt: Color picker showing a case of good contrast with the background .. image:: color-picker-bad-contrast.png :alt: Color picker showing a case of poor contrast" src="color-picker-bad-contrast.png If the color is a foreground color, the color picker tells you whether its contrast with the background color meets accessibility guidelines. Hovering the mouse over the contrast message gives a more detailed explanation. The color picker includes an eyedropper icon: clicking this icon enables you to use the eyedropper to select a new color for the element from the page: .. raw:: html