*************** AccessibleCaret *************** AccessibleCaret is a pair of raindrop shape handles at both ends of selection highlight, or it is a single handle at the blinking caret in a text area. It assists the user to change the range of the selection highlight or the position of the blinking caret on platforms with touch-event support. Meta Bug ======== `Bug 1124074 `__ tracks all the open issues. Gecko implementation details ============================ Preferences ----------- * ``layout.accessiblecaret.enabled_on_touch`` (Enabled on Firefox with touch-event support since 51.) * ``layout.accessiblecaret.enabled`` (Defaults off, but it can be turn on to force enable AccessibleCaret.) * ``layout.accessiblecaret.hide_carets_for_mouse_input`` (Defaults on. Turn this on to debug AccessibleCaret on desktop browser with mouse events.) AccessibleCaretEventHub State Transition Diagram ------------------------------------------------ This diagram depicts the state transition of the state machine in AccessibleCaretEventHub, which handles external events and callbacks. Note that the diagram omits some callbacks which do not cause a state transition such as ``NotifySelectionChanged`` or ``Reflow``. This table is a mapping of the real events and callback to the actions described on the edge of the diagram: +---------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | Real events or callbacks | Actions | +===================================================+==============+ | ``eMouseDown`` or ``eTouchStart`` | Press | +---------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | ``eMouseMove`` or ``eTouchMove`` | Move | +---------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | ``eMouseUp`` or ``eTouchEnd`` or ``eTouchCancel`` | Release | +---------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | ``eMouseLongTap`` | Long tap | +---------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | ``AsyncPanZoomStarted()`` | Scroll start | +---------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | ``AsyncPanZoomStopped()`` | Scroll end | +---------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | ``NotifyBlur()`` | Blur | +---------------------------------------------------+--------------+ .. image:: AccessibleCaretEventHubStates.png Debug Tips ---------- * Dump AccessibleCaret log from command line: run ``MOZ_LOG=AccessibleCaret:5 ./mach run``. * Dump AccessibleCaret log by using a preference: Open ``about:config`` and add a pref ``logging.AccessibleCaret`` with value ``debug`` or ``verbose`` (case matters). * ``AC_LOG()`` is useful to add new logs. Developers ========== Current maintainer ------------------ * Ting-Yu Lin Developers Emeritus ------------------- * Morris Tseng * Jeremy Chen * Boris Chiou *