This chapter describes the hash table functions in the plds (portable library — data structures) library of NSPR. The hash table library functions are declared in the header file ``plhash.h.`` .. warning:: **Warning**: The NSPR hash table library functions are not thread safe. A hash table lookup may change the internal organization of the hash table (to speed up future lookups). - `Hash Table Types and Constants <#Hash_Table_Types_and_Constants>`__ - `Hash Table Functions <#Hash_Table_Functions>`__ .. _Hash_Table_Types_and_Constants: Hash Table Types and Constants ------------------------------ - :ref:`PLHashEntry` - :ref:`PLHashTable` - :ref:`PLHashNumber` - :ref:`PLHashFunction` - :ref:`PLHashComparator` - :ref:`PLHashEnumerator` - :ref:`PLHashAllocOps` .. _Hash_Table_Functions: Hash Table Functions -------------------- - :ref:`PL_NewHashTable` - :ref:`PL_HashTableDestroy` - :ref:`PL_HashTableAdd` - :ref:`PL_HashTableRemove` - :ref:`PL_HashTableLookup` - :ref:`PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries` - :ref:`PL_HashString` - :ref:`PL_CompareStrings` - :ref:`PL_CompareValues`