# Leak Gauge Leak Gauge is a tool that can be used to detect certain kinds of leaks in Gecko, including those involving documents, window objects, and docshells. It has two parts: instrumentation in Gecko that produces a log file, and a script to post-process the log file. ## Getting a log file To get a log file, run the browser with these settings: NSPR_LOG_MODULES=DOMLeak:5,DocumentLeak:5,nsDocShellLeak:5,NodeInfoManagerLeak:5 NSPR_LOG_FILE=nspr.log # or any other filename of your choice This overwrites any existing file named `nspr.log`. The browser runs with a negligible slowdown. For reliable results, exit the browser before post-processing the log file. ## Post-processing the log file Post-process the log file with [tools/leak-gauge/leak-gauge.pl](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/tools/leak-gauge/leak-gauge.html) If there are no leaks, the output looks like this: Results of processing log leak.log : Summary: Leaked 0 out of 11 DOM Windows Leaked 0 out of 44 documents Leaked 0 out of 3 docshells Leaked content nodes in 0 out of 0 documents If there are leaks, the output looks like this: Results of processing log leak2.log : Leaked outer window 2c6e410 at address 2c6e410. Leaked outer window 2c6ead0 at address 2c6ead0. Leaked inner window 2c6ec80 (outer 2c6ead0) at address 2c6ec80. Summary: Leaked 13 out of 15 DOM Windows Leaked 35 out of 46 documents Leaked 4 out of 4 docshells Leaked content nodes in 42 out of 53 documents If you find leaks, please file a bug report.