"optout" ping (obsolete) ======================== This ping is generated when a user turns off FHR upload from the Preferences panel, changing the related ``datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled`` :doc:`preference <../internals/preferences>`. This ping contains no client id and no environment data. Structure: .. code-block:: js { version: 4, type: "optout", ... common ping data payload: { } } Expected behaviours ------------------- The following is a list of expected behaviours for the ``optout`` ping: - Sending the "optout" ping is best-effort. Telemetry tries to send the ping once and discards it immediately if sending fails. - The ping might be delayed if ping sending is throttled (e.g. around midnight). - The ping can be lost if the browser is shutdown before the ping is sent out the "optout" ping is discarded. Version History --------------- - Firefox 63: - "optout" ping replaced the "deletion" ping (`bug 1445921 `_).