Service Worker Performance Tests

Our performance tests are mochitests running in the mozperftest harness. Tests reside under dom/serviceworkers/test/performance, itemized in perftest.toml. Beyond the standard mochitest machinery, performance tests define a perfMetadata variable at the top level, and call:

info("perfMetrics", JSON.stringify(metrics));

to report their results, where metrics is a map from testpoint name to scalar numeric value. See the performance scripts documentation for more.

They can be run via mach perftest, or as normal mochitests via mach test. (Currently we can’t run the full manifest, see bug 1865852.)

Adding new tests

Add files to perftest.toml as usual for mochitests.

Modify linux.yml, macosx.yml, and windows.yml under taskcluster/kinds/perftest. Currently, each test needs to be added individually to the run command (here, for example). kind.yml can be ignored–it provides some defaults.

Modify the documentation using:

$ ./mach lint -l perfdocs . --fix --warnings --outgoing

There’s currently a bug which will likely cause the command to fail. Running it a second time should succeed.

Staging tests in try jobs

$ ./mach try fuzzy --full

Look for ‘service-worker to find things like:



Results can be found in treeherder on mozilla-central and autoland. Look for linux-sw, macosx-sw, and win-sw (example). These symbol names are defined in the .yml files under taskcluster/kinds/perftest.


Joshua Marshall (DOM LWS)
Gregory Mierzwinski (Performance Tools)