To add, remove, or update module information, see the mots documentation.
Mozilla operates under a module ownership governance system. A module is a discrete unit of code or activity. An owner is the person in charge of a module or sub-module. A peer is a person whom the owner has appointed to help them. A module may have multiple peers and, very occasionally, multiple owners.
The system is overseen by the owner and peers of the Module Ownership module. For the modules that make up Firefox, oversight is provided by the Firefox Technical Leadership module. Owners may add and remove peers from their modules as they wish, without reference to anyone else.
The top level directory for the Firefox/Gecko tree. Owned by the TLMC
Owner(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Brendan Eich, Kate Hudson |
Includes |
Code Review Policy
Submodule governing the code review process, ensuring adherence to coding standards and quality requirements.
Owner(s) |
Includes |
Performance Regression Policy
Submodule focused on preventing and addressing performance regressions, ensuring stable and optimized performance.
Owner(s) |
Includes |
Android Components
A collection of independent, reusable Android library components to make it easier to build browsers and browser-like applications.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Review Group |
Code Coverage
Tools for code coverage instrumentation, and coverage data parsing and management.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing :: Code Coverage |
Core: Accessibility
Support for platform accessibility APIs. Accessibility APIs are used by 3rd party software like screen readers, screen magnifiers, and voice dictation software, which need information about document content and UI controls, as well as important events like changes of focus.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Aaron Leventhal, Alexander Surkov |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
David Bolter, Trevor Saunders, Ginn Chen, Yan Evan, Yura Zenevich, Marco Zehe |
Includes |
Group |
dev-accessibility |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Disability Access APIs |
Core: Animation
Declarative animations: CSS animations, CSS transitions, Web Animations API, and off-main thread animations.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Matt Woodrow |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM::Animation, Core::CSS Transitions and Animations |
Core: Anti-Tracking
Tracking detection and content-blocking.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Ehsan Akhgari, Erica Wright, Gary Chen, Andrea Marchesini, Johann Hofmann |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Privacy: Anti-Tracking |
Review Group |
Core: APZ (Graphics submodule)
Asynchronous panning and zooming
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Kartikaya Gupta |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Ryan Hunt |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Panning and Zooming |
Core: Build and Release Tools
Tools related to build and release automation and configuration of release builds.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Aki Sasaki |
Includes |
Group |
release-engineering |
Bugzilla Components |
Release Engineering::* |
Core: Build Config
The build system for Gecko and several hosted Gecko-based applications.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Chris Manchester, Gregory Szorc, Ted Mielczarek, Benjamin Smedberg |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Ted Mielczarek, Ralph Giles, Gregory Szorc, Chris Manchester, Mike Shal, Nathan Froyd, Ricky Stewart, David Major, Mitchell Hentges |
Includes |
Group |
dev-builds |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Build Config |
Core: Build Config - Fennec
Submodule of the build config covering Fennec’s build system in mobile/android.
Owner(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-builds |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Build Config |
Core: Build Config - Taskgraph
Support for task-graph generation in decision, action, and cron tasks, including configuration of all tasks including those for CI, nightlies, and releases; as well as Docker and VM images used to execute those tasks.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Tom Prince |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Dustin Mitchell, Aki Sasaki, Brian Stack, Gregory Szorc, Justin Wood |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox Build System::Task Configuration |
Review Group |
Core: Code Analysis and Debugging Tools
Tools for debugging Mozilla code or for analyzing speed, memory use, and other characteristics of it.
This module does not have any owners specified.
Owner(s) Emeritus |
David Baron |
Includes |
Group |
dev-performance |
Core: Content Security
Native content-based security features enforced in the ContentSecurityManager, including: Content Security Policy (CSP), Mixed Content Blocker (MCB), Referrer Policy, Subresource Integrity (SRI), Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), X-Frame-Options, X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff, HTTPS-Only-Mode, Sanitizer API, Sec-Fetch Metadata, and top-level data: URI blocking.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Sid Stamm, Jonas Sicking, Jonathan Kingston, Thomas Nguyen, François Marier, Tanvi Vyas, Andrea Marchesini |
Includes |
Group |
dev-security |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM: Security |
Core: Crash reporting
Infrastructure and tools used to generate, submit and process crash reports. This includes the in-tree google-breakpad fork, the crash report generation machinery as well as the host tools used to dump symbols, analyse minidumps and generate stack traces.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Aria Beingessner, Kris Wright |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Toolkit::Crash Reporting |
Core: Credentials
API Surface for FedCM and WebAuthn
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM: Credential Management, Core::DOM: Web Authentication |
Core: C++/Rust usage, tools, and style
Aspects of C++ use such as language feature usage, standard library versions/usage, compiler/toolchain versions, formatting and naming style, and aspects of Rust use as needs arise
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Ehsan Akhgari |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Jeff Walden, Simon Giesecke |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Various |
Core: Cycle Collector
Code to break and collect objects within reference cycles
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
David Baron, Peter Van der Beken |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Cycle Collector |
Core: DLL Services
Windows dynamic linker instrumentation and blocking
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Aaron Klotz, Toshihito Kikuchi |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Molly Howell |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DLL Services |
Core: docshell
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Boris Zbarsky |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Johnny Stenback, Christian Biesinger, Justin Lebar, Samael Wang, Kyle Machulis, Peter Van der Beken |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM: Navigation |
Core: Document Object Model
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Johnny Stenback, Peter Van der Beken |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Justin Lebar, Jonas Sicking, Ben Turner, Mounir Lamouri, Kyle Huey, Bill McCloskey, Ben Kelly, Blake Kaplan, Kyle Machulis, Boris Zbarsky, Ehsan Akhgari, Axel Hecht, Eric Rahm |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-dom |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM, Core::DOM: Core & HTML |
Review Group |
Core: DOM File
DOM Blob, File and FileSystem APIs
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM: File |
Core: DOM Streams
Streams Specification implementation
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Matthew Gaudet |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM: Streams |
Core: Editor
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Ehsan Akhgari |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Editor |
Core: Event Handling
DOM Events and Event Handling
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Stone Shih |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM: Events, Core::DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling |
Core: Firefox Source Documentation
The infrastructure platform used to generate Firefox’s source documentation, excluding editorial control over the content.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Developer Infrastructure::Source Documentation |
Core: Gecko Profiler
Gecko’s built-in profiler
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Benoit Girard |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Shu-yu Guo (JS integration), Thinker Lee (TaskTracer), Cervantes Yu (TaskTracer), Nicholas Nethercote, Gerald Squelart, Kannan Vijayan, Beth Rennie, Greg Tatum |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Gecko Profiler |
Core: GeckoView
Framework for embedding Gecko into Android applications
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
James Willcox, Agi Sferro |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Dylan Roeh, Eugen Sawin, Aaron Klotz, Jim Chen, Randall E. Barker, Jon Almeida |
Includes |
Excludes |
Bugzilla Components |
GeckoView::General |
Review Group |
Core: Global Key Bindings
Global hot keys for Firefox. Does not include underlined menu accelerators and the like, as those are part of i18n.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Neil Rashbrook |
Includes |
Group |
dev-accessibility |
URL | |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Keyboard: Navigation |
Core: Graphics
Mozilla graphics API
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Robert O’Callahan |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Benoit Girard(Compositor, Performance), Ali Juma, George Wright(Canvas2D), Mason Chang, David Anderson, Christopher Lord, John Daggett(text/fonts), Benoit Jacob(gfx/gl), Joe Drew, Vladimir Vukicevic, James Willcox(Android), Nick Cameron, Ryan Hunt |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
URL | |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Graphics, Core::Graphics: Layers, Core::Graphics: Text, Core::Graphics: WebRender, Core::Graphics: Color Management, Core::Graphics: Canvas2D, Core::Graphics: CanvasWebGL |
Review Group |
Core: HAL
Hardware Abstraction Layer
Owner(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) |
Core: HTML Parser
The HTML Parser transforms HTML source code into a DOM. It conforms to the HTML specification, and is mostly translated automatically from Java to C++.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::HTML: Parser |
Core: I18N Library
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Jungshik Shin, Simon Montagu |
Includes |
Group |
dev-i18n |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Internationalization |
Core: ImageLib
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Seth Fowler, Brian Bondy, Justin Lebar |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::ImageLib |
Core: IndexedDB
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Ben Turner |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Jonas Sicking, Kyle Huey, Bevis Tseng, Andrea Marchesini |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM: IndexedDB |
Review Group |
Core: IPC
Native message-passing between threads and processes
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Chris Jones, Bill McCloskey, Jed Davis |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Benjamin Smedberg, Ben Turner, David Anderson, Kan-Ru Chen, Bevis Tseng, Ben Kelly, Jim Mathies |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::IPC |
Review Group |
Core: JavaScript
JavaScript engine (SpiderMonkey)
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Brendan Eich, Dave Mandelin, Luke Wagner, Jason Orendorff |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Andreas Gal, Ashley Hauck, Bill McCloskey, Blake Kaplan, Brian Hackett, Caroline Cullen, Dan Gohman, David Anderson, Eddy Bruel, Eric Faust, Hannes Verschore, Igor Bukanov, Jeff Walden, Kannan Vijayan, Nicholas Nethercote, Nick Fitzgerald, Niko Matsakis, Shu-yu Guo, Till Schneidereit |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::JavaScript Engine, Core::JavaScript: GC, Core::JavaScript: Internationalization API, Core::JavaScript: Standard Library, Core::JavaScript: WebAssembly, Core::js-ctypes |
Review Group |
Core: JavaScript JIT
JavaScript engine’s JIT compilers (IonMonkey, Baseline)
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Benjamin Bouvier, Brian Hackett, Caroline Cullen, David Anderson, Hannes Verschore, Kannan Vijayan, Luke Wagner, Shu-yu Guo, Sean Stangl |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::JavaScript Engine: JIT |
Core: Layout Engine
rendering tree construction, layout (reflow), etc.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
David Baron |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Matt Woodrow, Boris Zbarsky, Robert O’Callahan, Mats Palmgren |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Layout, Core::Layout: Block and Inline, Core::Layout: Columns, Core::Layout: Flexbox, Core::Layout: Floats, Core::Layout: Form Controls, Core::Layout: Generated Content, Lists, and Counters, Core::Layout: Grid, Core::Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames, Core::Layout: Positioned, Core::Layout: Ruby, Core::Layout: Scrolling and Overflow, Core::Layout: Tables, Core::Layout: Text and Fonts, Core::Print Preview, Core::Printing: Output |
Review Group |
Core: Legacy HTML Parser
This module does not have any owners specified.
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Blake Kaplan |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Johnny Stenback, David Baron, Peter Van der Beken |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::HTML: Parser |
Core: libjar
The JAR handling code (protocol handler, stream implementation, and zipreader/zipwriter).
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Taras Glek, Michael Wu, Aaron Klotz |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Michal Novotny |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Networking: JAR |
Core: Machine Learning
AI services and local inference
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Machine Learning |
Review Group |
Core: MathML
MathML is a low-level specification for describing mathematics which provides a foundation for the inclusion of mathematical expressions in Web pages.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Karl Tomlinson |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Robert O’Callahan |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-mathml |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::MathML |
Core: Media Playback
HTML Media APIs, including Media Source Extensions and non-MSE video/audio element playback, and Encrypted Media Extensions. (WebRTC and WebAudio not included).
This module does not have any owners specified.
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Robert O’Callahan, Chris Pearce, Jean-Yves Avenard |
Includes |
Group |
dev-media |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Audio/Video |
Review Group |
Core: Media Transport
Pluggable transport for real-time media
This module does not have any owners specified.
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Eric Rescola |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Adam Roach |
Includes |
Group |
dev-media |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::WebRTC::Networking |
Core: Memory Allocator
Most things related to memory allocation in Gecko, including jemalloc, replace- malloc, DMD (dark matter detector), logalloc, etc.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Eric Rahm, Nicholas Nethercote |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DMD, Core::jemalloc |
Core: mfbt
mfbt is a collection of headers, macros, data structures, methods, and other functionality available for use and reuse throughout all Mozilla code (including SpiderMonkey and Gecko more broadly).
Owner(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Jeff Walden |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Ms2ger |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::MFBT |
Core: Moz2D (Graphics submodule)
Platform independent 2D graphics API
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Graphics |
Core: Mozglue
Glue library containing various low-level functionality, including a dynamic linker for Android, a DLL block list for Windows, etc.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Kartikaya Gupta (mozglue/android) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::mozglue |
Integration with Microsoft Distributed COM
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Aaron Klotz, James Teh |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Jim Mathies |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::IPC: MSCOM |
Core: Necko
The Mozilla Networking Library
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Dragana Damjanovic, Patrick McManus, Christian Biesinger |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Michal Novotny, Honza Bambas, Shih-Chiang Chien, Boris Zbarsky, Steve Workman, Nick Hurley, Daniel Stenberg, Jason Duell, Junior Hsu |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-network |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Networking, Core::Networking: Cache, Core::Networking: Cookies, Core::Networking: File, Core::Networking: HTTP, Core::Networking: JAR, Core::Networking: Proxy, Core::Networking: Websockets, Core::DOM: Networking |
Review Group |
Core: NodeJS usage, tools, and style
Advises on the use of NodeJS and npm packages at build and runtime. Reviews additions/upgrades/removals of vendored npm packages. Works with appropriate teams to maintain automated license and security audits of npm packages. Works with the security team and relevant developers to respond to vulnerabilities in NodeJS and vendored npm packages.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Kate Hudson |
Includes |
URL |, #nodejs on slack |
Bugzilla Components |
Various |
Core: Notifications
The infrastructure for Web Notifications API and the Firefox Desktop notifications.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM: Notifications, Toolkit::Alerts Service |
Core: NSPR
Netscape Portable Runtime
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Wan-Teh Chang |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-nspr |
Bugzilla Components |
Core: PDF
Rendering code to display documents encoded in the ISO 32000-1 PDF format.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Brendan Dahl |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Artur Adib, Vivien Nicolas |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::PDF |
Core: Permissions
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Monica Chew, Ehsan Akhgari |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Josh Matthews, Mike Connor, Dan Witte, Christian Biesinger, Shawn Wilsher, Honza Bambas, Andrea Marchesini, Johann Hofmann |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core :: Permission Manager |
Review Group |
Core: Plugins
NPAPI Plugin support.
Owner(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Jim Mathies |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Josh Aas, John Schoenick, Robert O’Callahan, Johnny Stenback, Benjamin Smedberg |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Plug-ins |
Core: Preferences
Preference library
This module does not have any owners specified.
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Nicholas Nethercote, Kris Wright |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Felipe Gomes, Eric Rahm |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Preferences: Backend |
Core: Private Browsing
Implementation of the Private Browsing mode, and the integration of other modules with Private Browsing APIs.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Ehsan Akhgari, Johann Hofmann |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Josh Matthews |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Private Browsing |
Core: Privilege Manager
Caps is the capabilities-based security system.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Boris Zbarsky, Brendan Eich, Johnny Stenback, Dan Veditz |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-dom |
URL | |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Security: CAPS |
Core: Push Subscriptions
Push is a way for application developers to send messages to their web applications.
This module does not have any owners specified.
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Doug Turner, Lina Cambridge |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Nikhil Marathe, Dragana Damjanovic, Martin Thomson |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM: Push Subscriptions |
Core: Quota Manager
Centralized quota tracked storage management and implementation of StorageManager.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Core: Sandboxing (Linux)
Sandboxing for the Linux platform
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Security: Process Sandboxing |
Core: Sandboxing (OSX)
Sandboxing for the OSX platform
Owner(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Security: Process Sandboxing |
Core: Sandboxing (Windows)
Sandboxing for the Windows platform
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Tim Abraldes |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Brian Bondy, Aaron Klotz, Jim Mathies, Toshihito Kikuchi |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Security: Process Sandboxing |
Core: security
Crypto/PKI code, including NSS (Network Security Services) and JSS (NSS for Java)
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Wan-Teh Chang, Tim Taubert, J.C. Jones |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Elio Maldonado, Franziskus Kiefer, Kevin Jacobs |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-crypto |
Bugzilla Components |
NSS, JSS, Core::Security, Core::Security: S/MIME |
Review Group |
Core: Security - Mozilla PSM Glue
Personal Security Manager
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Kai Engert (2001-2012) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Honza Bambas, Cykesiopka, Franziskus Kiefer |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-crypto |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Security: PSM |
Security - RLBox
Sandboxing using WASM/RLBox libraries.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Security: RLBox |
Core: Static analysis & rewriting for C++
Tools for checking C++ code looking for problems at compile time, plus tools for automated rewriting of C++ code.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Birunthan Mohanathas, Ehsan Akhgari |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Rewriting & Analysis |
Review Group |
Core: SQLite and Embedded Database Bindings
Embedded database engines and their code bindings.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Shawn Wilsher |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::SQLite and Embedded Database Bindings |
Core: String
This module does not have any owners specified.
Owner(s) Emeritus |
David Baron |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Eric Rahm |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-xpcom |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::String |
Core: Style System
CSS style sheet handling; style data computation
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
David Baron, Cameron McCormack |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Boris Zbarsky |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::CSS Parsing and Computation, Core::DOM: CSS Object Model |
Review Group |
Core: Supply Chain
Policy management for third-party Rust dependencies
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Aria Beingessner |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox Build System::General |
Review Group |
Core: SVG
Scalable Vector Graphics
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Robert O’Callahan |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-svg |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::SVG |
Review Group |
Core: UA String
User Agent String
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
URL | |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Networking: HTTP |
Core: View System
The View Manager is responsible for handling “heavyweight” rendering (some clipping, compositing) and event handling tasks.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Robert O’Callahan |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
David Baron, Boris Zbarsky |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Layout: View Rendering |
Core: Web Audio
Support for the W3C Web Audio API specification.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Ehsan Akhgari |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Robert O’Callahan |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Web Audio |
Core: Web Painting
painting, display lists, and layer construction
This module does not have any owners specified.
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Matt Woodrow |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
David Baron, Robert O’Callahan |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Layout: Web Painting |
Core: Web Workers
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Ben Turner, Andrea Marchesini |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Blake Kaplan, Jonas Sicking, Kyle Huey, Ben Kelly, Yaron Tausky |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
URL | |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::DOM: Workers |
Review Group |
Core: WebGPU (Graphics submodule)
WebGPU implementation
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Dzmitry Malyshau |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Josh Groves |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Graphics::WebGPU |
Review Group |
Core: WebRTC
WebRTC is responsible for realtime audio and video communication, as well as related issues like low-level camera and microphone access
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Ethan Hugg, Eric Rescola, Adam Roach |
Includes |
Group |
dev-media |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::WebRTC, Core::WebRTC Networking |
Core: WebVR
Gecko’s implementation of WebVR (Virtual Reality) functionality, including API, devices, graphics and integration
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Vladimir Vukicevic, Imanol Fernández |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::WebVR |
Core: WebRTC Media
Submodule of WebRTC responsible for access to media input devices (microphones, cameras, screen capture), as well as realtime audiovisual codecs and packetization.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Paul Kerr, Ethan Hugg |
Includes |
Group |
dev-media |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::WebRTC (Audio/Video) |
Core: WebRTC Signaling
Submodule of WebRTC responsible for implementation of PeerConnection API, WebRTC identity, and SDP/JSEP handling
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Ethan Hugg, Eric Rescola, Adam Roach, nohlmeier |
Includes |
Group |
dev-media |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::WebRTC (Signaling) |
Core: Widget
Top level Widget
Owner(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Vladimir Vukicevic, Robert O’Callahan, Jim Mathies |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Stuart Parmenter |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Drag and Drop, Core::Widget, Core::Printing: Setup |
Core: Widget - Android
This is part of the [ GeckoView] module.
Owner(s) |
Core: Widget - GTK
GTK widget support
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Robert O’Callahan |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Widget: Gtk |
Core: Widget - Headless
Headless widget support
This module does not have any owners specified.
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Brendan Dahl |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Headless |
Core: Widget - macOS
macOS widget support
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Robert O’Callahan, Markus Stange |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Josh Aas, Benoit Girard, Steven Michaud |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Widget: Cocoa |
Review Group |
Core: Widget - Windows
Windows widget support
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Jim Mathies |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Rob Strong, Vladimir Vukicevic, Brad Lassey, Brian Bondy, Christian Biesinger, Doug Turner, Josh ‘timeless’ Soref, Rob Arnold, Aaron Klotz, Neil Rashbrook, Toshihito Kikuchi |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::Widget: Win32 |
Core: XML
XML in Mozilla, including XML, XHTML, Namespaces in XML, Associating Style Sheets with XML Documents, XML Linking and XML Extras. XML-related things that are not covered by more specific projects.
Owner(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Peter Van der Beken |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Jonas Sicking, Johnny Stenback, Boris Zbarsky, Eric Rahm |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-xml |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::XML |
Core: XPApps
Cross-Platform Applications, mostly Navigator front end and application shell.
This module does not have any owners specified.
The cross-platform object model and core data structures.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Benjamin Smedberg |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Doug Turner, Eric Rahm, Simon Giesecke, Kris Wright |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::XPCOM |
Review Group |
Core: XPConnect
Deep Magic
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Boris Zbarsky, Blake Kaplan, Andreas Gal, Johnny Stenback, Gabor Krizsanits, Peter Van der Beken |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Core::XPConnect |
Cross-platform IDL compiler; produces .h C++ header files and .xpt runtime type description files from .idl interface description files.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Kyle Huey |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Mike Shaver, Josh ‘timeless’ Soref |
Includes |
Group |
dev-tech-xpcom |
Desktop Firefox
Standalone Web Browser.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Brian Bondy, Lina Cambridge, Luke Chang, Ricky Chien, Justin Dolske, Georg Fritzsche, Felipe Gomes, Tim Guan-tin Chien, Johann Hofmann, Molly Howell, KM Lee Rex, Fred Lin, Ray Lin, Fischer Liu, Bill McCloskey, Mark Mentovai, Ted Mielczarek, Brian Nicholson, Matthew Noorenberghe, Neil Rashbrook, Asaf Romano, Marina Samuel, J Ryan Stinnett, Gregory Szorc, Tim Taubert, Jared Wein |
Includes |
Group |
firefox-dev |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox, Toolkit |
Review Group |
Add-ons Manager
Extension management back-end.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Robert Strong, Andrew Swan, Kris Maglione |
Includes |
Review Group |
Add-ons Manager UI
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Robert Strong, Andrew Swan |
Includes |
Review Group |
Address Bar
The address bar and address bar autocomplete.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Address Bar |
Review Group |
Application Update
The application update services.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Adam Gashlin |
Includes |
Review Group |
Bookmarks & History
The bookmarks and history services (Places).
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Dietrich Ayala |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Asaf Romano, David Dahl, Lina Butler, Shawn Wilsher |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Bookmarks & History, Toolkit::Places |
Review Group |
Desktop Theme
The style rules used in the desktop UI.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Tim Nguyen, Amy Churchwell |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Theme, Toolkit::Themes |
Review Group |
Desktop UI
The main browser UI except where covered by more specific submodules.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Jared Wein |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Florian Quèze |
Includes |
Download Manager
The downloads UI and service.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Paolo Amadini, Shawn Wilsher |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Micah Tigley |
Includes |
Enterprise Policies
System policies for controlling Firefox.
Owner(s) |
Includes |
Desktop clients for our experiments and off-train deployments systems.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Michael Cooper |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Normandy, Firefox::Nimbus Desktop Client |
Firefox View
The Firefox View page and its modules.
Form Autofill
Form detection and autocomplete.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Matthew Noorenberghe, Sergey Galich |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Tim Giles |
Includes |
In-product Messaging
The system for delivering in-product messaging and onboarding including Activity Stream Router, about:welcome, UI tour.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Ed Lee |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Kate Hudson, Matthew N |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Messaging System, Firefox::Tours |
Launcher Process
Windows process for bootstrapping the browser process.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Aaron Klotz, Toshihito Kikuchi |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Launcher Process |
Tooling to enable translation and facilitate localization.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Review Group |
New Tab Page
The new tab/home page.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Ed Lee |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Kate Hudson, Andrei Oprea |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::New Tab Page |
Password Manager
Managing, saving and filling logins.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Matthew Noorenberghe, Sergey Galich |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Bianca Danforth, Severin Rudie, Jared Wein, Tim Giles, Sam Foster |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Toolkit::Password Manager, Toolkit::Password Manager: Site, Compatibility, Firefox::about:logins |
A component that allows video elements to be pulled out into an always-on-top window.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Micah Tigley, Molly Howell |
Includes |
Profile Migration
Migrating data from other browsers.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Code relating to Screenshots functionality
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Emma Malysz, Ian Bicking |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Barry Chen |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Screenshots |
The search service and search bar.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Michael de Boer |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Search |
Review Group |
Security and Privacy UI
The front-end to our security and privacy features, including Protections UI, Site Identity, Site Permissions and Certificate Errors
Owner(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Johann Hofmann |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Erica Wright, Nihanth Subramanya, prathiksha |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Security, Firefox::Protections UI, Firefox::Site Identity, Firefox::Site Permissions |
Session Restore
Restoring a user’s session after starting Firefox.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Michael de Boer, Kashav Madan, Dale Harvey, Dão Gottwald |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Anny Gakhokidze |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Session Restore |
Review Group |
Settings UI
The front-end settings user interface.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Jared Wein |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Tim Nguyen |
Includes |
Review Group |
Tabbed Browser
The UI component controlling browser tabs.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Jared Wein, Matthew N |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Tabbed Browser |
Windows Installer
The installer for Windows.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Installer |
Review Group |
Mozilla Developer Tools
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Patrick Brosset, Joe Walker, Dave Camp, Rob Campbell |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Mihai Șucan, Heather Arthur, Anton Kovalyov, Brandon Benvie, Eddy Bruel, James Long, Matteo Ferretti, Steve Fink (heapsnapshot code), Jaroslav Šnajdr, Tom Tromey, Paul Rouget, Victor Porof, Lin Clark, Jan Keromnes, Jordan Santell, Soledad Penadés, Mike Ratcliffe, Panagiotis Astithas, Tim Nguyen, Brian Grinstead, J. Ryan Stinnett, Jason Laster, David Walsh, Greg Tatum, Gabriel Luong, Brad Werth, Daisuke Akatsuka, Yulia Startsev, Logan Smyth, Julien Wajsberg, Razvan Caliman, Micah Tigley, Nick Fitzgerald, Jim Blandy, Belén Albeza |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
DevTools |
Review Group |
Android Project to build Firefox for Android
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Focus for Android
Android Project to build Focus for Android
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
JavaScript usage, tools, and style
Aspects of JavaScript use such as language feature usage, tooling such as lint configurations, formatting and naming style.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Review Group |
mots config
Owner(s) |
Includes |
Configuration-driven script harness.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Aki Sasaki, Geoff Brown |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Justin Wood, Tom Prince |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Release Engineering :: Applications: MozharnessCore |
Python usage, tools, and style
Aspects of Python use such as tooling, formatting and naming style
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Developer Infrastructure :: Lint and Formatting |
Remote Protocol
Low-level remote protocol exposing interfaces for inspecting state and controlling execution of web documents, instrumenting various subsystems in the browser, simulating user interaction for automation purposes, and for subscribing to updates from the aforementioned.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Remote Protocol |
Underlying transport layer and server to allow remoting of Firefox for automation and debugging.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Andreas Tolfsen |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Maja Frydrychowicz, Alexandre Poirot, Yulia Startsev |
Includes |
Excludes |
Bugzilla Components |
Remote Protocol :: Agent |
The core implementation for CDP support. Please file domain specific issues and requests under the appropriate CDP-prefixed Remote Protocol component.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Andreas Tolfsen |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Maja Frydrychowicz, Alexandre Poirot, Yulia Startsev |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Remote Protocol :: CDP |
Review Group |
Marionette is a remote protocol that lets out-of-process programs communicate with, instrument, and control Gecko-based browsers. Combined with geckodriver, this forms our WebDriver classic implementation.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Andreas Tolfsen |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Maja Frydrychowicz, David Burns |
Includes |
Group |
dev-webdriver |
Bugzilla Components |
Remote Protocol :: Marionette |
Review Group |
WebDriver BiDi
W3C WebDriver BiDi implementation for Gecko-based browsers.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-webdriver |
Bugzilla Components |
Remote Protocol :: WebDriver BiDi |
Review Group |
Firefox Sync client
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Ryan Kelly |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Sync |
Firefox UI test framework.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Maja Frydrychowicz |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing :: Firefox UI |
Proxy for using W3C WebDriver-compatible clients to interact with Gecko-based browsers.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-webdriver |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing :: geckodriver |
GTest test harness.
Owner(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing :: GTest |
Marionette Client & Harness
Python client and harness for the Marionette remote protocol implementation.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Andreas Tolfsen |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Maja Frydrychowicz, David Burns |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing :: Marionette Client & Harness |
Mochitest test framework
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing :: Mochitest |
Base modules used for implementing test components.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Andreas Tolfsen, Bob Clary |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing :: Mozbase, Testing :: Mozbase Rust |
Performance Testing
This module encompasses all of our performance testing projects, e.g. Raptor, Talos, MozPerfTest, AWSY, JSShell, mach try perf, etc.. See our PerfDocs for more information on the owners/peers of the various components (linked below).
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing :: Raptor, Testing :: Talos, Testing :: AWSY, Testing :: Performance, Testing :: mozperftest, Testing :: Condprofile |
Review Group |
Reftest (+ jsreftest + crashtest)
Reftest test framework
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing :: Reftest |
Frontend for selecting jobs on the try server.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Developer Infrastructure :: Try |
web-platform-tests infrastructure
Infrastructure for running the cross-browser web-platform-tests
Owner(s) |
Includes |
Excludes |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing :: web-platform-tests |
XPCShell test harness.
Owner(s) |
Includes |
Bugzilla Components |
Testing::XPCShell Harness |
Components shared between desktop and mobile browsers.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Matthew Noorenberghe, Jared Wein |
Includes |
Group |
firefox-dev |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox, Toolkit |
Application Startup
The profile system and startup process before the front-end launches.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Nathan Froyd |
Includes |
The core infrastructure in the Firefox client to send back telemetry data. Includes the common mechanisms to record, view and submit data: Legacy Telemetry and Glean (via Firefox on Glean (FOG)). This module does ‘’not’’ include responsibility for every piece of submitted Telemetry data. Each team/module is responsible for their own measurements (histograms, scalars, other ping submissions, etc.).
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Georg Fritzsche |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Perry McManis |
Includes |
Group |
fx-data-dev |
UI Widgets
The base widgets used throughout the UI.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
Neil Deakin |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Andrew Swan |
Includes |
WebCompat Addons
Compatibility interventions (webcompat system addon) and bug reporting capabilities (Report Site Issue addon).
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Mike Taylor |
Includes |
Group |
compatibility |
Bugzilla Components |
Web Compatibility::Interventions, Web Compatibility::Tooling & Investigations |
Review Group |
Webextension APIs and integration.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Andrew Swan, Kris Maglione |
Includes |
Review Group |
Support for translation in Firefox, and the infrastructure to train new translation language models.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
URL | |
Bugzilla Components |
Firefox::Translation |
Review Group |
Tree Sheriffs
Tree Sheriffs aid developers to easily, quickly, and seamlessly land their code in the proper location(s) and ensure that code does not break our automated tests. In the service of this objective, the Sheriffs work closely with the larger engineering organization to create and enforce landing policies that increase productivity while maintaining an efficient and robust automated testing system. Beyond the policy role, they have also become shepherds of automation quality by monitoring intermittent failures, performing uplifts and merges, and identifying poorly performing automation machines.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Carsten Book, Wes Kocher |
Group |
sheriffs |
URL Classifier
Database and list-based classification of URL resources, such as Tracking Protection and SafeBrowsing.
Owner(s) |
Peer(s) |
Owner(s) Emeritus |
François Marier |
Peer(s) Emeritus |
Henry Chang, Ryan Tilder |
Includes |
Group |
dev-platform |
URL | |