Writing Matchers
On this page we will give some information about what a matcher is, and then provide an example of developing a simple match iteratively.
Types of Matchers
There are three types of matches: Node, Narrowing, and Traversal. There isn’t always a clear separation or distinction between them, so treat this explanation as illustrative rather than definitive. Here is the documentation on matchers: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibASTMatchersReference.html
On that page it is not obvious, so we want to note, cicking on the name of a matcher expands help about that matcher. Example:

Node Matchers
Node matchers can be thought of as ‘Nouns’. They specify a type of node you want to match, that is, a particular thing. A function, a binary operation, a variable, a type.
A full list of node matchers are listed in the documentation. Some common ones are functionDecl()
, binaryOperator()
, and stmt()
Narrowing Matchers
Narrowing matchers can be thought of as ‘Adjectives’. They narrow, or describe, a node, and therefore must be applied to a Node Matcher. For instance a node matcher may be a functionDecl
, and the narrowing matcher applied to it may be parameterCountIs
The table in the documentation lists all the narrowing matchers, which they apply to and how to use them. Here is how to read the table:

And some examples:
m functionDecl(parameterCountIs(1))
m functionDecl(anyOf(isDefinition(), isVariadic()))
As you can see only one Narrowing Matcher is allowed and it goes inside the parens of the Node Matcher. In the first example, the matcher is parameterCountIs
, in the second it is anyOf
In the second, we use the singular anyOf
matcher to match any of multiple other Narrowing Matchers: isDefinition
or isVariadic
. The other two common combining narrowing matchers are allOf()
and unless()
If you need to specify a narrowing matcher (because it’s a required argument to some other matcher), you can use the anything()
narrowing matcher to have a no-op narrowing matcher.
Traversal Matchers
Traversal Matchers also can be thought of as adjectives - at least most of them. They also describe a specific node, but the difference from a narrowing matcher is that the scope of the description is broader than the individual node. A narrowing matcher says something about the node in isolation (e.g. the number of arguments it has) while a traversal matcher says something about the node’s contents or place in the program.
Again, the the documentation is the best place to explore and understand these, but here is a simple example for the traversal matcher hasArraySize()
class MyClass { };
MyClass *p1 = new MyClass[10];
matches the expression 'new MyClass[10]'.
does not match anything
matches the expression 'new MyClass[10]'.
Example of Iterative Matcher Development
When developing matchers, it will be much easier if you do the following:
Write out the code you want to match. Write it out in as many different ways as you can. Examples: For some value in the code use a variable, a constant and a function that returns a value. Put the code you want to match inside of a function, inside of a conditional, inside of a function call, and inside of an inline function definition.
Write out the code you don’t want to match, but looks like code you do. Write out benign function calls, benign assignments, etc.
Iterate on your matcher and treat it as _code_ you’re writing. Indent it, copy it somewhere in case your browser crashes, even stick it in a tiny temporary version-controlled file.
As an example of the above, below is a sample iterative development process of a more complicated matcher.
Goal: Match function calls where one of the parameters is an assignment expression with an integer literal, but the function parameter has a default value in the function definition.
int add1(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
int add2(int c, int d = 8) { return c + d; }
int main() {
int x, y, z;
add1(x, y); // <- No match, no assignment
add1(3 + 4, y); // <- No match, no assignment
add1(z = x, y); // <- No match, assignment, but not an integer literal
add1(z = 2, y); // <- No match, assignment, integer literal, but function parameter lacks default value
add2(3, z = 2); // <- Match
Here is the iterative development process:
// Step 1: Find all the function calls
m callExpr()
// Matches all calls, as expected.
// Step 2: Start refining based on the arguments to the call
m callExpr(forEachArgumentWithParam()))
// Error: forEachArgumentWithParam expects two parameters
// Step 3: Figure out the syntax to matching all the calls with this new operator
m callExpr(
// Matches all calls, as expected
// Step 4: Find the calls with a binary operator of any kind
m callExpr(
// Does not match the first call, but matches the others
// Step 5: Limit the binary operator to assignments
m callExpr(
// Now matches the final three calls
// Step 6: Starting to refine matching the right-hand of the assignment
m callExpr(
// Error, hasRHS expects a parameter
// Step 7:
m callExpr(
// Okay, back to matching the final three calls
// Step 8: Refine to just integer literals
m callExpr(
// Now we match the final two calls
// Step 9: Apply a restriction to the parameter definition
m callExpr(
// Now we match the final call