Style System Overview
Quantum CSS (Stylo)
Starting with Firefox 57 and later, Gecko makes use of the parallel style system written in Rust that comes from Servo. There’s an overview of this with graphics to help explain what’s going on. The Servo wiki has some more details.
The rest of the style section section describes the Gecko style system used in Firefox 56 and earlier. Some bits may still apply, but it likely needs revising.
In order to display the content, Gecko needs to compute the styles relevant to each DOM node. It does this based on the model described in the CSS specifications: this model applies to style specified in CSS (e.g. by a ‘style’ element, an ‘xml-stylesheet’ processing instruction or a ‘style’ attribute), style specified by presentation attributes, and the default style specified by our own user agent style sheets. There are two major sets of data structures within the style system:
first, data structures that represent sources of style data, such as CSS style sheets or data from stylistic HTML attributes
second, data structures that represent computed style for a given DOM node.
These sets of data structures are mostly distinct (for example, they store values in different ways).
The loading of CSS style sheets from the network is managed by the CSS loader; they are then tokenized by the CSS scanner and parsed by the CSS parser. Those that are attached to the document also expose APIs to script that are known as the CSS Object Model, or CSSOM.
The style sheets that apply to a document are managed by a class called the style set. The style set interacts with the different types of style sheets (representing CSS style sheets, presentational attributes, and ‘style’ attributes) through two interfaces: nsIStyleSheet for basic management of style sheets and nsIStyleRuleProcessor for getting the style data out of them. Usually the same object implements both interfaces, except in the most important case, CSS style sheets, where there is a single rule processor for all of the CSS style sheets in each origin (user/UA/author) of the CSS cascade.
The computed style data for an element/frame are exposed to the rest of
Gecko through the class mozilla::ComputedStyle (previously called
nsStyleContext). Rather than having a member variable for each CSS
property, it breaks up the properties into groups of related properties
called style structs. These style structs obey the rule that all of the
properties in a single struct either inherit by default (what the CSS
specifications call “Inherited: yes” in the definition of properties;
we call these inherited structs) or all are not inherited by default (we
call these reset structs). Separating the properties in this way
improves the ability to share the structs between similar ComputedStyle
objects and reduce the amount of memory needed to store the style data.
The ComputedStyle API exposes a method for getting each struct, so
you’ll see code like sc->GetStyleText()->mTextAlign
for getting the
value of the text-align CSS property. (Frames (see the Layout section
below) also have the same GetStyle* methods, which just forward the
call to the frame’s ComputedStyle.)
The ComputedStyles form a tree structure, in a shape somewhat like the content tree (except that we coalesce identical sibling ComputedStyles rather than keeping two of them around; if the parents have been coalesced then this can apply recursively and coalasce cousins, etc.; we do not coalesce parent/child ComputedStyles). The parent of a ComputedStyle has the style data that the ComputedStyle inherits from when CSS inheritance occurs. This means that the parent of the ComputedStyle for a DOM element is generally the ComputedStyle for that DOM element’s parent, since that’s how CSS says inheritance works.
The process of turning the style sheets into computed style data goes through three main steps, the first two of which closely relate to the nsIStyleRule interface, which represents an immutable source of style data, conceptually representing (and for CSS style rules, directly storing) a set of property:value pairs. (It is similar to the idea of a CSS style rule, except that it is immutable; this immutability allows for significant optimization. When a CSS style rule is changed through script, we create a new style rule.)
The first step of going from style sheets to computed style data is finding the ordered sequence of style rules that apply to an element. The order represents which rules override which other rules: if two rules have a value for the same property, the higher ranking one wins. (Note that there’s another difference from CSS style rules: declarations with !important are represented using a separate style rule.) This is done by calling one of the nsIStyleRuleProcessor::RulesMatching methods. The ordered sequence is stored in a trie called the rule tree: the path from the root of the rule tree to any (leaf or non-leaf) node in the rule tree represents a sequence of rules, with the highest ranking farthest from the root. Each rule node (except for the root) has a pointer to a rule, but since a rule may appear in many sequences, there are sometimes many rule nodes pointing to the same rule. Once we have this list we create a ComputedStyle (or find an appropriate existing sibling) with the correct parent pointer (for inheritance) and rule node pointer (for the list of rules), and a few other pieces of information (like the pseudo-element).
The second step of going from style sheets to computed style data is getting the winning property:value pairs from the rules. (This only provides property:value pairs for some of the properties; the remaining properties will fall back to inheritance or to their initial values depending on whether the property is inherited by default.) We do this step (and the third) for each style struct, the first time it is needed. This is done in nsRuleNode::WalkRuleTree, where we ask each style rule to fill in its property:value pairs by calling its MapRuleInfoInto function. When called, the rule fills in only those pairs that haven’t been filled in already, since we’re calling from the highest priority rule to the lowest (since in many cases this allows us to stop before going through the whole list, or to do partial computation that just adds to data cached higher in the rule tree).
The third step of going from style sheets to computed style data (which various caching optimizations allow us to skip in many cases) is actually doing the computation; this generally means we transform the style data into the data type described in the “Computed Value” line in the property’s definition in the CSS specifications. This transformation happens in functions called nsRuleNode::Compute*Data, where the * in the middle represents the name of the style struct. This is where the transformation from the style sheet value storage format to the computed value storage format happens.
Once we have the computed style data, we then store it: if a style struct in the computed style data doesn’t depend on inherited values or on data from other style structs, then we can cache it in the rule tree (and then reuse it, without recomputing it, for any ComputedStyles pointing to that rule node). Otherwise, we store it on the ComputedStyle (in which case it may be shared with the ComputedStyle’s descendant ComputedStyles). This is where keeping inherited and non-inherited properties separate is useful: in the common case of relatively few properties being specified, we can generally cache the non-inherited structs in the rule tree, and we can generally share the inherited structs up and down the ComputedStyle tree.
The ownership models in style sheet structures are a mix of reference counted structures (for things accessible from script) and directly owned structures. ComputedStyles are reference counted, and own their parents (from which they inherit), and rule nodes are garbage collected with a simple mark and sweep collector (which often never needs to run).
code: layout/style/, where most files have useful one line descriptions at the top that show up in DXR
Bugzilla: Style System (CSS)
CSS WG editors drafts (often more current, but sometimes more unstable than the drafts on the technical reports page)
Preventing attacks on a user’s history through CSS :visited selectors
style system documentation (somewhat out of date)