
Gets a pointer to the next entry in the directory.


#include <prio.h>

PRDirEntry* PR_ReadDir(
  PRDir *dir,
  PRDirFlags flags);


The function has the following parameters:


A pointer to a PRDir object that designates an open directory.


Specifies which directory entries, if any, to skip. Values can include the following:

  • PR_SKIP_NONE. Do not skip any files.

  • PR_SKIP_DOT. Skip the directory entry “.” representing the current directory.

  • PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT. Skip the directory entry “..” representing the parent directory.

  • PR_SKIP_BOTH. Skip both “.” and “..”

  • PR_SKIP_HIDDEN. Skip hidden files. On Windows platforms and the Mac OS, this value identifies files with the “hidden” attribute set. On Unix platform, this value identifies files whose names begin with a period (“.”).


  • A pointer to the next entry in the directory.

  • If the end of the directory is reached or an error occurs, NULL. The reason can be retrieved via PR_GetError.


PR_ReadDir returns a pointer to a directory entry structure:

struct PRDirEntry {
  const char *name;

typedef struct PRDirEntry PRDirEntry;

The structure has the following field:


Name of entry, relative to directory name.

The flags parameter is an enum of type PRDirFlags:

typedef enum PRDirFlags {
  PR_SKIP_NONE    = 0x0,
  PR_SKIP_DOT     = 0x1,
  PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT = 0x2,
  PR_SKIP_BOTH    = 0x3,
} PRDirFlags;

The memory associated with the returned PRDirEntry structure is managed by NSPR. The caller must not free the PRDirEntry structure. Moreover, the PRDirEntry structure returned by each PR_ReadDir call is valid only until the next PR_ReadDir or PR_CloseDir call on the same PRDir object.

If the end of the directory is reached, PR_ReadDir returns NULL, and PR_GetError returns PR_NO_MORE_FILES_ERROR.

See Also
