mozbuild.vendor package
mozbuild.vendor.host_angle module
mozbuild.vendor.host_base module
- class mozbuild.vendor.host_base.BaseHost(manifest, max_retries=Retry(total=5, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None))
Retry configuration.
Each retry attempt will create a new Retry object with updated values, so they can be safely reused.
Retries can be defined as a default for a pool:
retries = Retry(connect=5, read=2, redirect=5) http = PoolManager(retries=retries) response = http.request('GET', '')
Or per-request (which overrides the default for the pool):
response = http.request('GET', '', retries=Retry(10))
Retries can be disabled by passing
:response = http.request('GET', '', retries=False)
Errors will be wrapped in
unless retries are disabled, in which case the causing exception will be raised.- Parameters:
total (int) –
Total number of retries to allow. Takes precedence over other counts.
Set to
to remove this constraint and fall back on other counts.Set to
to fail on the first retry.Set to
to disable and implyraise_on_redirect=False
.connect (int) –
How many connection-related errors to retry on.
These are errors raised before the request is sent to the remote server, which we assume has not triggered the server to process the request.
Set to
to fail on the first retry of this (int) –
How many times to retry on read errors.
These errors are raised after the request was sent to the server, so the request may have side-effects.
Set to
to fail on the first retry of this type.redirect (int) –
How many redirects to perform. Limit this to avoid infinite redirect loops.
A redirect is a HTTP response with a status code 301, 302, 303, 307 or 308.
Set to
to fail on the first retry of this type.Set to
to disable and implyraise_on_redirect=False
.status (int) –
How many times to retry on bad status codes.
These are retries made on responses, where status code matches
.Set to
to fail on the first retry of this type.other (int) –
How many times to retry on other errors.
Other errors are errors that are not connect, read, redirect or status errors. These errors might be raised after the request was sent to the server, so the request might have side-effects.
Set to
to fail on the first retry of this type.If
is not set, it’s a good idea to set this to 0 to account for unexpected edge cases and avoid infinite retry loops.allowed_methods (iterable) –
Set of uppercased HTTP method verbs that we should retry on.
By default, we only retry on methods which are considered to be idempotent (multiple requests with the same parameters end with the same state). See
.Set to a
value to retry on any verb.Warning
Previously this parameter was named
, that usage is deprecated in v1.26.0 and will be removed in v2.0.status_forcelist (iterable) –
A set of integer HTTP status codes that we should force a retry on. A retry is initiated if the request method is in
and the response status code is instatus_forcelist
.By default, this is disabled with
.backoff_factor (float) –
A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try (most errors are resolved immediately by a second try without a delay). urllib3 will sleep for:
{backoff factor} * (2 ** ({number of total retries} - 1))
seconds. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then
will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, …] between retries. It will never be longer thanRetry.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_MAX
.By default, backoff is disabled (set to 0).
raise_on_redirect (bool) – Whether, if the number of redirects is exhausted, to raise a MaxRetryError, or to return a response with a response code in the 3xx range.
raise_on_status (bool) – Similar meaning to
: whether we should raise an exception, or return a response, if status falls instatus_forcelist
range and retries have been exhausted.history (tuple) – The history of the request encountered during each call to
. The list is in the order the requests occurred. Each list item is of classRequestHistory
.respect_retry_after_header (bool) – Whether to respect Retry-After header on status codes defined as
or not.remove_headers_on_redirect (iterable) – Sequence of headers to remove from the request when a response indicating a redirect is returned before firing off the redirected request.
- download_single_file(url, destination)
- upstream_path_to_file(revision, filepath)
- upstream_release_artifact(revision, release_artifact)
- upstream_snapshot(revision)
- upstream_tag(revision)
Temporarily clone the repo to get the latest tag and timestamp
- exception mozbuild.vendor.host_base.HttpError
mozbuild.vendor.host_codeberg module
mozbuild.vendor.host_git module
mozbuild.vendor.host_github module
- class mozbuild.vendor.host_github.GitHubHost(manifest, max_retries=Retry(total=5, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None))
- api_get(path)
Generic Github API get.
- upstream_commit(revision)
Query the github api for a git commit id and timestamp.
- upstream_path_to_file(revision, filepath)
- upstream_release_artifact(revision, release_artifact)
- upstream_snapshot(revision)
mozbuild.vendor.host_gitlab module
mozbuild.vendor.host_googlesource module
- class mozbuild.vendor.host_googlesource.GoogleSourceHost(manifest, max_retries=Retry(total=5, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None))
- upstream_commit(revision)
Query for a git commit and timestamp.
- upstream_path_to_file(revision, filepath)
- upstream_snapshot(revision)
mozbuild.vendor.mach_commands module
- mozbuild.vendor.mach_commands.check_modified_files(command_context)
Ensure that there aren’t any uncommitted changes to files in the working copy, since we’re going to change some state on the user.
- mozbuild.vendor.mach_commands.vendor(command_context, library, revision, ignore_modified=False, check_for_update=False, add_to_exports=False, force=False, verify=False, patch_mode=None, new_files_only=False)
Vendor third-party dependencies into the source repository.
Vendoring rust and python can be done with ./mach vendor [rust/python]. Vendoring other libraries can be done with ./mach vendor [arguments] path/to/file.yaml
- mozbuild.vendor.mach_commands.vendor_python(command_context, keep_extra_files, add, remove, upgrade, upgrade_package, force)
- mozbuild.vendor.mach_commands.vendor_rust(command_context, **kwargs)
mozbuild.vendor.moz_yaml module
- class mozbuild.vendor.moz_yaml.License
Voluptuous validator which verifies the license(s) are valid as per our allow list.
- exception mozbuild.vendor.moz_yaml.MozYamlVerifyError(filename, error)
- mozbuild.vendor.moz_yaml.RE_FIELD(string, pos=0, endpos=9223372036854775807)
Scan through string looking for a match, and return a corresponding match object instance.
Return None if no position in the string matches.
- mozbuild.vendor.moz_yaml.RE_SECTION(string, pos=0, endpos=9223372036854775807)
Scan through string looking for a match, and return a corresponding match object instance.
Return None if no position in the string matches.
- class mozbuild.vendor.moz_yaml.UpdateActions
Voluptuous validator which verifies the update actions(s) are valid.
- class mozbuild.vendor.moz_yaml.UpdatebotTasks
Voluptuous validator which verifies the updatebot task(s) are valid.
- mozbuild.vendor.moz_yaml.load_moz_yaml(filename, verify=True, require_license_file=True)
Loads and verifies the specified manifest.
mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild module
- Problem:
./mach vendor needs to be able to add or remove files from files automatically to be able to effectively update a library automatically and send useful try runs in.
So far, it has been difficult to do that.
- Why:
Some files need to go into UNIFIED_SOURCES vs SOURCES
Some files are os-specific, and need to go into per-OS conditionals
Some files are both UNIFIED_SOURCES/SOURCES sensitive and OS-specific.
- Proposal:
Design an algorithm that maps a third party library file to a suspected location. Run the algorithm on all files specified in all third party libraries’ files. See if the proposed place in the file matches the actual place.
- Initial Algorithm
Given a file, which includes the filename and the path from gecko root, we want to find the correct file and location within that file. Take the path of the file, and iterate up the directory tree, looking for files as we go. Consider each of these files, starting with the one closest to the file. Within a file, identify the SOURCES or UNIFIED_SOURCES block(s) that contains a file in the same directory path as the file to be added. If there is only one such block, use that one. If there are multiple blocks, look at the files within each block and note the longest length of a common prefix (including partial filenames - if we just did full directories the result would be the same as the prior step and we would not narrow the results down). Use the block containing the longest prefix. (We call this ‘guessing’.)
- Result of the proposal:
The initial implementation works on 1675 of 1977 elligible files. The files it does not work on include:
general failures. Such as when we find that avutil.cpp wants to be next to adler32.cpp but avutil.cpp is in SOURCES and adler32.cpp is in UNIFIED_SOURCES. (And many similar cases.)
per-cpu-feature files, where only a single file is added under a conditional
When guessing, because of a len(…) > longest_so_far comparison, we would prefer the first block we found. - Changing this to prefer UNIFIED_SOURCES in the event of a tie
yielded 17 additional correct assignments (about a 1% improvement)
As a result of the change immediately above, when guessing, because given equal prefixes, we would prefer a UNIFIED_SOURCES block over other blocks, even if the other blocks are longer - Changing this (again) to prefer the block containing more files yielded 49 additional
correct assignments (about a 2.5% improvement)
- The files that are ineligible for consideration are:
Those in libwebrtc
Those specified in source assignments composed of generators (e.g. [f for f in ‘%.c’])
Those specified in source assignments to subscripted variables (e.g. SOURCES += foo[‘x86_files’])
- We needed to iterate up the directory and look at a different file _zero_ times.
This indicates this code is probably not needed, and therefore we will remove it from the algorithm.
- We needed to guess base on the longest prefix 944 times, indicating that this code is
absolutely crucial and should be double-checked. (And indeed, upon double-checking it, bugs were identified.)
After some initial testing, it was determined that this code completely fell down when the vendoring directory differed from the moz.yaml directory (definitions below.) The code was slightly refactored to handle this case, primarily by (a) re-inserting the logic to check multiple files instead of the first and (b) handling some complicated normalization notions (details in comments).
- Slightly Improved Algorithm Changes:
Don’t bother iterating up the directory tree looking for files, just take the first. When guessing, in the event of a common-prefix tie, prefer the block containing more files
With these changes, we now Successfully Matched 1724 of 1977 files
- source-assignment
An assignment of files to a SOURCES or UNIFIED_SOURCES variable, such as SOURCES += [‘ffpvx.cpp’]
We specifically look only for these two variable names to avoid identifying things such as CXX_FLAGS.
Sometimes; however, there is an intermediary variable, such as SOURCES += celt_filenames In this situation we find the celt_filenames assignment, and treat it as a ‘source-assignment’
- source-assignment-location
source-assignment-location is a human readable string that identifies where in the file the source-assignment is. It can used to visually match the location upon manual inspection; and given a source-assignment-location, re-identify it when iterating over all source-assignments in a file.
The actual string consists of the path from the root of the file to the source-assignment, plus a suffix number.
We suffix the final value with an incrementing counter. This is to support files that, for whatever reason, use multiple SOURCES += [] list in the same basic block. This index is per-file, so no two assignments in the same file (even if they have separate locations) should have the same suffix.
For example:
When SOURCES += [‘ffpvx.xpp’] appears as the first line of the file (or any other unindented-location) its source-assignment-location will be > SOURCES 1.
When SOURCES += [‘ffpvx.xpp’] appears inside a conditional such as CONFIG[‘OS_TARGET’] == ‘WINNT’ then its source-assignment-location will be > if CONFIG[‘OS_TARGET’] == ‘WINNT’ > SOURCES 1
When SOURCES += [‘ffpvx.xpp’] appears as the second line of the file, and a different SOURCES += [] was the first line, then its source-assignment-location will be “> SOURCES 2”.
No two source-assignments may have the same source-assignment-location. If they do, we raise an assert.
- file vs filename
a ‘filename’ is a string specifing the name and sometimes the path of a file. a ‘file’ is an object you get from open()-ing a filename
A variable that is a string should always use ‘filename’
- vendoring directory vs moz.yaml directory
In many cases, a library’s moz.yaml file, file(s), and sources files will all live under a single directory. e.g. libjpeg
In other cases, a library’s source files are in one directory (we call this the ‘vendoring directory’) and the moz.yaml file and file(s) are in another directory (we call this the moz.yaml directory). e.g. libdav1d
- normalized-filename
A filename is ‘normalized’ if it has been expanded to the full path from the gecko root. This requires a file.
For example a filename lib/opus.c may be specified inside the media/libopus/ file. The filename is normalized by os.path.join()-ing the dirname of the file (i.e. media/libopus) to the filename, resulting in media/libopus/lib/opus.c
A filename that begins with ‘/’ is presumed to already be specified relative to the gecko root, and therefore is not modified.
Normalization gets more complicated when dealing with separate vendoring and moz.yaml directories. This is because a file can be considered normalized when it looks like third_party/libdav1d/src/a.cpp _or_ when it looks like media/libdav1d/../../third_party/libdav1d/src/a.cpp This is because in the file, it will be specified as ../../third_party/libdav1d/src/a.cpp and we ‘normalize’ it by prepending the path to the file.
Normalization is not just about having an ‘absolute’ path from gecko_root to file. In fact it’s not really about that at all - it’s about matching filenames. Therefore when we are dealing with separate vendoring and moz.yaml directories we will very quickly ‘re-normalize’ a normalized filename to get it into one of those foo/bar/../../third_party/… paths that will make sense for the file we are interested in.
Whenever a filename is normalized, it should be specified as such in the variable name, either as a prefix (normalized_filename) or a suffix (target_filename_normalized)
- statistic
Using some hacky stuff, we report statistics about how many times we hit certain branches of the code. e.g.
“How many times did we refine a guess based on prefix length”
“How many times did we refine a guess based on the number of files in the block”
“What is the histogram of guess candidates”
We do this to identify how frequently certain code paths were taken, allowing us to identify strange behavior and investigate outliers. This process lead to identifying bugs and small improvements.
- exception mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.MozBuildRewriteException
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.add_file_to_moz_build_file(normalized_filename_to_add, moz_yaml_dir=None, vendoring_dir=None)
This is the overall function. Given a filename, relative to the gecko root (aka normalized), we look for a file to add it to, look for the place in the file to add it, and then edit that file in-place.
It accepted two optional parameters. If one is specified they both must be. If a library is vendored in a separate place from the moz.yaml file, these parameters specify those two directories.
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.assignment_node_to_source_filename_list(code, node)
If the list of filenames is not a list of constants (e.g. it’s a generated list) it’s (probably) infeasible to try and figure it out. At least we’re not going to try right now. Maybe in the future?
If this happens, we’ll return an empty list. The consequence of this is that we won’t be able to match a file against this list, so we may not be able to add it.
(But if the file matches a generated list, perhaps it will be included in the Sources list automatically?)
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.ast_get_source_segment(code, node)
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.edit_moz_build_file_to_add_file(normalized_mozbuild_filename, unnormalized_filename_to_add, unnormalized_list_of_files)
This function edits the file in-place
I had _really_ hoped to replace this whole damn thing with something that adds a node to the AST, dumps the AST out, and then runs black on the file but there are some issues: - third party files (or maybe all files) aren’t always run through black - dumping the ast out losing comments
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.edit_moz_build_file_to_remove_file(normalized_mozbuild_filename, unnormalized_filename_to_remove)
This function edits the file in-place
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.filenames_directory_is_in_filename_list(filename_normalized, list_of_normalized_filenames)
Given a normalized filename and a list of normalized filenames, first turn them into a containing directory, and a list of containing directories. Then test if the containing directory of the filename is in the list.
- ex:
f = filenames_directory_is_in_filename_list f(“foo/bar/a.c”, [“foo/b.c”]) -> false f(“foo/bar/a.c”, [“foo/b.c”, “foo/bar/c.c”]) -> true f(“foo/bar/a.c”, [“foo/b.c”, “foo/bar/baz/d.c”]) -> false
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.find_all_posible_assignments_from_filename(source_assignments, filename_normalized)
Given a list of source assignments and a normalized filename, narrow the list to assignments that contain a file whose directory matches the filename’s directory.
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.get_all_mozbuild_filenames(gecko_root)
Find all the third party files in the gecko repo
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.get_all_target_filenames_normalized(all_mozbuild_filenames_normalized)
Given a list of files, returns all the files listed in all the souce assignments in the file.
This function is only used for debug/testing purposes - there is no reason to call this as part of ‘the algorithm’
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.get_attribute_label(node)
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.get_closest_mozbuild_file(normalized_filename, moz_yaml_dir=None, vendoring_dir=None, all_mozbuild_filenames_normalized=None)
Returns the closest file in the directory tree to a normalized filename
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.get_file_reference_modes(source_assignments)
Given a set of source assignments, this function traverses through the files references in those assignments to see if the files are referenced using absolute paths (relative to gecko root) or relative paths.
It will return all the modes that are seen.
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.get_gecko_root()
Using __file__ as a base, find the gecko root
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.get_mozbuild_file_search_order(normalized_filename, moz_yaml_dir=None, vendoring_dir=None, all_mozbuild_filenames_normalized=None)
Returns an ordered list of normalized filenames to consider for a given filename
normalized_filename: a source filename normalized to the gecko root
moz_yaml_dir: the path from gecko_root to the moz.yaml file (which is the root of the files)
moz_yaml_dir: the path to where the library’s source files are
all_mozbuild_filenames_normalized: (optional) the list of all third-party files If all_mozbuild_filenames_normalized is not specified, we look in the filesystem.
The list is built out of two distinct steps.
In Step 1 we will walk up a directory tree, looking for files. We append files in this order, preferring the lowest we find, then moving on to one in a higher directory. The directory we start in is a little complicated. We take the series of subdirectories between vendoring_dir and the file in question, and then append them to the moz.yaml directory.
When moz_yaml directory != vendoring_directory: moz_yaml_dir = foo/bar/ vendoring_dir = third_party/baz/ normalized_filename = third_party/baz/asm/arm/a.S starting_directory: foo/bar/asm/arm/ When moz_yaml directory == vendoring_directory (In this case, these variables will actually be 'None' but the algorthm is the same) moz_yaml_dir = foo/bar/ vendoring_dir = foo/bar/ normalized_filename = foo/bar/asm/arm/a.S starting_directory: foo/bar/asm/arm/
In Step 2 we get a bit desparate. When the vendoring directory and the moz_yaml directory are not the same, there is no guarentee that the moz_yaml directory will adhere to the same directory structure as the vendoring directory. And indeed it doesn’t in some cases (e.g. libdav1d.) So in this situation we start at the root of the moz_yaml directory and walk downwards, adding _any_ file we encounter to the list. Later on (in all cases, not just moz_yaml_dir != vendoring_dir) we only consider a file if it has source files whose directory matches the normalized_filename, so this step, though desparate, is safe-ish and believe it or not has worked for some file additions.
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.guess_best_assignment(source_assignments, filename_normalized)
Given several assignments, all of which contain the same directory as the filename, pick one we think is best and return its source-assignment-location.
We do this by looking at the filename itself (not just its directory) and picking the assignment which contains a filename with the longest matching prefix.
- e.g: “foo/asm_neon.c” compared to [“foo/main.c”, “foo/all_utility.c”], [“foo/asm_arm.c”]
-> [“foo/asm_arm.c”] (match of foo/asm_)
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.log(*args, **kwargs)
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.mozbuild_file_to_source_assignments(normalized_mozbuild_filename, assignment_type)
Returns a dictionary of ‘source-assignment-location’ -> ‘normalized source filename list’ contained in the file specified
normalized_mozbuild_filename: the file to read
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.node_to_name(code, node)
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.node_to_readable_file_location(code, node, child_node=None)
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.normalize_filename(normalized_mozbuild_filename, filename)
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.remove_file_from_moz_build_file(normalized_filename_to_remove, moz_yaml_dir=None, vendoring_dir=None)
Given a filename, relative to the gecko root (aka normalized), we look for the nearest file, look in that file for the file, and then edit that file in-place.
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.renormalize_filename(mode, moz_yaml_dir, vendoring_dir, normalized_mozbuild_filename, normalized_filename_to_act_on)
- Edit the normalized_filename_to_act_on to either
Make it an absolute path from gecko root (if we’re in that mode)
Get a relative path from the vendoring directory to the yaml directory where the file is (If they are in separate directories)
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.test_all_third_party_files(gecko_root, all_mozbuild_filenames_normalized)
Run the algorithm on every source file in a third party file and output the results
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.try_to_match_target_file(all_mozbuild_filenames_normalized, target_filename_normalized)
Runs ‘the algorithm’ on a target file, and returns if the algorithm was successful
all_mozbuild_filenames_normalized: the list of all third-party files target_filename_normalized - the target filename, normalized to the gecko root
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.unnormalize_filename(normalized_mozbuild_filename, normalized_filename)
- mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild.validate_directory_parameters(moz_yaml_dir, vendoring_dir)
mozbuild.vendor.vendor_manifest module
- class mozbuild.vendor.vendor_manifest.VendorManifest(topsrcdir, settings, log_manager, topobjdir=None, mozconfig=<object object>, virtualenv_name=None)
- convert_patterns_to_paths(directory, patterns)
- fetch_and_unpack(revision)
Fetch and unpack upstream source
- fetch_individual(new_revision)
- get_full_path(path, support_cwd=False)
- get_source_host()
- import_local_patches(patches, yaml_dir, vendor_dir)
- process_individual(new_revision, timestamp, ignore_modified, add_to_exports)
- process_regular(new_revision, timestamp, ignore_modified, add_to_exports)
- process_regular_or_individual(is_individual, new_revision, timestamp, ignore_modified, add_to_exports)
- process_rust(command_context, old_revision, new_revision, timestamp, ignore_modified)
- should_perform_step(step)
- spurious_check(revision, ignore_modified)
- update_files(revision)
- update_moz_build(vendoring_dir, moz_yaml_dir, add_to_exports)
- update_yaml(revision, timestamp)
- vendor(command_context, yaml_file, manifest, revision, ignore_modified, check_for_update, force, add_to_exports, patch_mode, new_files_only)
- mozbuild.vendor.vendor_manifest.list_of_paths_to_readable_string(paths)
- mozbuild.vendor.vendor_manifest.throwe()
mozbuild.vendor.vendor_python module
- class mozbuild.vendor.vendor_python.VendorPython(*args, **kwargs)
- vendor(keep_extra_files=False, add=None, remove=None, upgrade=False, upgrade_package=None, force=False)
- mozbuild.vendor.vendor_python.hash_file_text(file_path)
- mozbuild.vendor.vendor_python.remove_environment_markers_from_requirements_txt(requirements_txt: Path)
mozbuild.vendor.vendor_rust module
- class mozbuild.vendor.vendor_rust.VendorRust(*args, **kwargs)
- BUILDTIME_LICENSE_WHITELIST = {'BSD-3-Clause': ['bindgen', 'fuchsia-zircon', 'fuchsia-zircon-sys', 'fuchsia-cprng', 'glsl', 'instant']}
- ICU4X_LICENSE_SHA256 = '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978'
- RUNTIME_LICENSE_FILE_PACKAGE_WHITELIST = {'deque': '6485b8ed310d3f0340bf1ad1f47645069ce4069dcc6bb46c7d5c6faf41de1fdb', 'fuchsia-cprng': '03b114f53e6587a398931762ee11e2395bfdba252a329940e2c8c9e81813845b', 'icu_calendar': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_calendar_data': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_collections': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_locid': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_locid_transform': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_locid_transform_data': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_properties': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_properties_data': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_provider': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_provider_adapters': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_provider_macros': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'icu_segmenter': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'litemap': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'tinystr': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'writeable': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'yoke': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'yoke-derive': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'zerofrom': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'zerofrom-derive': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'zerovec': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978', 'zerovec-derive': '853f87c96f3d249f200fec6db1114427bc8bdf4afddc93c576956d78152ce978'}
- RUNTIME_LICENSE_PACKAGE_WHITELIST = {'BSD-2-Clause': ['arrayref', 'mach', 'qlog'], 'BSD-3-Clause': ['subtle']}
- RUNTIME_LICENSE_WHITELIST = ['Apache-2.0', 'Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception', 'CC0-1.0', 'ISC', 'MIT', 'MPL-2.0', 'Unicode-3.0', 'Unicode-DFS-2016', 'Unlicense', 'Zlib']
- check_cargo_version(cargo)
Ensure that Cargo is new enough.
- check_openssl()
Set environment flags for building with openssl.
MacOS doesn’t include openssl, but the openssl-sys crate used by mach-vendor expects one of the system. It’s common to have one installed in /usr/local/opt/openssl by homebrew, but custom link flags are necessary to build against it.
- get_cargo_path()
- has_modified_files()
Ensure that there aren’t any uncommitted changes to files in the working copy, since we’re going to change some state on the user. Allow changes to Cargo.{toml,lock} since that’s likely to be a common use case.
- log(level, action, params, format_str)
Log a structured log event.
A structured log event consists of a logging level, a string action, a dictionary of attributes, and a formatting string.
The logging level is one of the logging.* constants, such as logging.INFO.
The action string is essentially the enumeration of the event. Each different type of logged event should have a different action.
The params dict is the metadata constituting the logged event.
The formatting string is used to convert the structured message back to human-readable format. Conversion back to human-readable form is performed by calling format() on this string, feeding into it the dict of attributes constituting the event.
Example Usage:
self.log(logging.DEBUG, 'login', {'username': 'johndoe'}, 'User login: {username}')
- static runtime_license(package, license_string)
Cargo docs say: —
This is an SPDX 2.1 license expression for this package. Currently will validate the license provided against a whitelist of known license and exception identifiers from the SPDX license list 2.4. Parentheses are not currently supported.
Multiple licenses can be separated with a /, although that usage is deprecated. Instead, use a license expression with AND and OR operators to get more explicit semantics. — But I have no idea how you can meaningfully AND licenses, so we will abort if that is detected. We’ll handle / and OR as equivalent and approve is any is in our approved list.
- serialize_issues_json()
- vendor(ignore_modified=False, force=False)