PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper Reference

class PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper(videoWrapperScriptPath, video, pipChild)

The PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper class handles providing a path to a script that defines a “site wrapper” for the original <video> (or other controls API provided by the site) to command it.

This “site wrapper” provided to PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper is a script file that defines a class called PictureInPictureVideoWrapper and exports it. These scripts can be found under “browser/extensions/pictureinpicture/video-wrappers” as part of the Picture-In-Picture addon.

Site wrappers need to adhere to a specific interface to work properly with PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper:

  • The “site wrapper” script must export a class called “PictureInPictureVideoWrapper”

  • Method names on a site wrapper class should match its caller’s name (i.e: PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper.play will only call play on a site-wrapper, if available)

Create a wrapper for the original <video>

  • videoWrapperScriptPath (String|null) – Path to a wrapper script from the Picture-in-Picture addon. If a wrapper isn’t provided to the class, then we fallback on a default implementation for commanding the original <video>.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The original <video> we want to create a wrapper class for.

  • pipChild (Object) – Reference to PictureInPictureChild class calling this function.


Destroys the sandbox for the site wrapper class

PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper.formatTimestamp(aCurrentTime, aDuration)

Format a timestamp from current time and total duration, output as a string in the form ‘0:00 / 0:00’

  • aCurrentTime (Number) – The current time in seconds

  • aDuration (Number) – The total duration in seconds


String – Formatted timestamp


OVERRIDABLE - calls the getCurrentTime() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to get the current time of a video in seconds.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element


Number – Current time of the video in seconds


OVERRIDABLE - calls the getDuration() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to get the current duration of a video in seconds.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element


Number – Duration of the video in seconds


OVERRIDABLE - calls the getEnded() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to determine if video playback or streaming has stopped.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element


Boolean – Boolean value true if the video has ended, or false if still playing


OVERRIDABLE - calls the getPaused() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to determine if a video is paused or not.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element


Boolean – Boolean value true if paused, or false if video is still playing


OVERRIDABLE - calls the getVolume() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to get the volume value of a video.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element


Number – Volume of the video between 0 (muted) and 1 (loudest)


OVERRIDABLE - calls the isLive() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to get if the video is a live stream.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element

PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper.isMuted(video, shouldMute)

OVERRIDABLE - calls the isMuted() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to get the mute state a video.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element

  • shouldMute (Boolean) – Boolean value true to mute the video, or false to unmute the video


OVERRIDABLE - calls the pause() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to handle video behaviour when a video is paused.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element


OVERRIDABLE - calls the play() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to handle video behaviour when a video is played.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element

PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper.setCaptionContainerObserver(video, _callback)

OVERRIDABLE - calls the setCaptionContainerObserver() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to listen for any cue changes in a video’s caption container and execute a callback function responsible for updating the pip window’s text tracks container whenever a cue change is triggered {@see updatePiPTextTracks()}.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element

  • _callback (function) – The callback function to be executed when cue changes are detected

PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper.setCurrentTime(video, position, wasPlaying)

OVERRIDABLE - calls the setCurrentTime() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to set the current time of a video.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element

  • position (Number) – The current playback time of the video

  • wasPlaying (Boolean) – True if the video was playing before seeking else false

PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper.setMuted(video, shouldMute)

OVERRIDABLE - calls the setMuted() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to mute or unmute a video.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element

  • shouldMute (Boolean) – Boolean value true to mute the video, or false to unmute the video

PictureInPictureChildVideoWrapper.setVolume(video, volume)

OVERRIDABLE - calls the setVolume() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to set the volume value of a video.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element

  • volume (Number) – Value between 0 (muted) and 1 (loudest)


OVERRIDABLE - calls the shouldHideToggle() method defined in the site wrapper script. Runs a fallback implementation if the method does not exist or if an error is thrown while calling it. This method is meant to determine if the pip toggle for a video should be hidden by the site wrapper.

  • video (HTMLVideoElement) – The originating video source element


Boolean – Boolean value true if the pip toggle should be hidden by the site wrapper, or false if it should not


Return hours, minutes, and seconds from seconds

  • aSeconds (Number) – The time in seconds


String – Timestamp string


Function to display the captions on the PiP window

  • text – The captions to be shown on the PiP window