JS Loader APIs

Gecko provides multiple ways to load/evaluate JS files from JS files, in addition to standard ways such as the dynamic import() and the worker’s importScripts.

Synchronous Classic Script Load

Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript can be used for synchronously loading given classic script in the given global.

The script is evaluated in the 2nd parameter’s global, and the loaded script’s global variables are defined into the given object.

  "chrome://browser/content/browser.js", this

See mozIJSSubScriptLoader.idl for more details

Asynchronous Classic Script Compile

ChromeUtils.compileScript can be used for asynchronously compile given classic script, and execute in given globals.

async function f() {
  const script = await ChromeUtils.compileScript(

  const result = script.executeInGlobal(targetGlobal1);

  // The script can be executed against multiple globals.
  const result2 = script.executeInGlobal(targetGlobal2);

See ChromeUtils.webidl and PrecompiledScript.webidl for more details.

Synchronous Module Import

ChromeUtils.importESModule and ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters can be used for importing ECMAScript modules into the current global.

The last parameter of those API controls where to import the module. Passing { global: "current" } option makes it to import the module into the current global.

const { Utils } =
  ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/Utils.sys.mjs", {
    global: "current",


const lazy = {}
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
  Utils2: "resource://gre/modules/Utils2.sys.mjs",
}, {
  global: "current",

function f() {

See System Modules for more details about those API.