GeckoView Login Storage API
Eugen Sawin <>
December 20th, 2019
The current GV Autofill API provides all the essential callbacks and meta
information for the implementation of autofill/login app support. It also
manages the fallback to the Android AutofillManager
, which delegates
requests to the system-wide autofill service set by the user.
However, the current GV Autofill API does not leverage the complete range of Gecko heuristics that handle many autofill/login scenarios.
The GV Login Storage API is meant to bridge that gap and provide an intermediate solution for Fenix to enable feature-rich autofill/login support without duplicating Gecko mechanics. As a storage-level API, it would also enable easy integration with the existing Firefox Sync AC.
API Proposal A (deprecated)
Unified Login Storage API: session delegate
class LoginStorage {
class Login {
String guid;
// @Fenix: currently called `hostname` in AsyncLoginsStorage.
String origin;
// @Fenix: currently called `formSubmitURL` in AsyncLoginsStorage
String formActionOrigin;
String httpRealm;
String username;
String password;
class Hint {
// @Fenix: Automatically save the login and indicate this to the
// user.
// @Fenix: Don’t prompt to save but allow the user to open UI to
// save if they really want.
// The data looks like it may be some other data (e.g. CC) entered
// in a password field.
// @Fenix: Don’t prompt to save but allow the user to open UI to
// save if they want (e.g. in case the CC number is actually the
// username for a credit card account)
// TBD
interface Delegate {
// Notify that the given login has been used for login.
// @Fenix: call AsyncLoginsStorage.touch(login.guid).
void onLoginUsed(Login login);
// Request logins for the given domain.
// @Fenix: return AsyncLoginsStorage.getByHostname(domain).
GeckoResult<Login[]> onLoginRequest(String domain);
// Request to save or update the given login.
// The hint should help determining the appropriate user prompting
// behavior.
// @Fenix: Use the API from application-services/issues/1983 to
// determine whether to show a Save or Update button on the
// doorhanger, taking into account un/pw edits in the doorhanger.
// When the user confirms the save/update,
void onLoginSave(Login login, int hint);
// TBD (next API iteration): handle autocomplete selection.
// GeckoResult<Login> onLoginSelect(Login[] logins);
Extension of GeckoSession
// Extending existing session class.
class GeckoSession {
// Set the login storage delegate for this session.
void setLoginStorageDelegate(LoginStorage.Delegate delegate);
LoginStorage.Delegate getLoginStorageDelegate();
API Proposal B
Split Login Storage API: runtime storage delegate / session prompts
Split storing and prompting. Fetching and saving of logins is handled by the runtime delegate, prompting for saving and (in future) autocompletion is handled by the prompt delegate.
class LoginStorage {
class Login {
String guid;
// @Fenix: currently called `hostname` in AsyncLoginsStorage.
String origin;
// @Fenix: currently called `formSubmitURL` in AsyncLoginsStorage
String formActionOrigin;
String httpRealm;
String username;
String password;
interface Delegate {
// v2
// Notify that the given login has been used for login.
// @Fenix: call AsyncLoginsStorage.touch(login.guid).
void onLoginUsed(Login login);
// Request logins for the given domain.
// @Fenix: return AsyncLoginsStorage.getByHostname(domain).
GeckoResult<Login[]> onLoginFetch(String domain);
// Request to save or update the given login.
void onLoginSave(Login login);
Extension of GeckoRuntime
// Extending existing runtime class.
class GeckoRuntime {
// Set the login storage delegate for this runtime.
void setLoginStorageDelegate(LoginStorage.Delegate delegate);
Extension of GeckoSession.PromptDelegate
// Extending existing prompt delegate.
class GeckoSession {
interface PromptDelegate {
class LoginStoragePrompt extends BasePrompt {
class Type {
int SAVE;
// TBD: autocomplete selection.
// int SELECT;
class Hint {
// v2
// @Fenix: Automatically save the login and indicate this
// to the user.
// @Fenix: Don’t prompt to save but allow the user to open
// UI to save if they really want.
// The data looks like it may be some other data (e.g. CC)
// entered in a password field
// @Fenix: Don’t prompt to save but allow the user to open
// UI to save if they want (e.g. in case the CC number is
// actually the username for a credit card account)
// TBD
// Type
int type;
// Hint
// The hint should help determining the appropriate user
// prompting behavior.
// @Fenix: Use the API from application-services/issues/1983 to
// determine whether to show a Save or Update button on the
// doorhanger, taking into account un/pw edits in the
// doorhanger. When the user confirms the save/update.
int hint;
// For SAVE, it will hold the login to be stored or updated.
// For SELECT, it will hold the logins for the autocomplete
// selection.
Login[] logins;
// Confirm SAVE prompt: the login would include a user’s edits
// to what will be saved.
// v2
// Confirm SELECT (autocomplete) prompt by providing the
// selected login.
PromptResponse confirm(Login login);
// Dismiss request.
PromptResponse dismiss();
GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onLoginStoragePrompt(
GeckoSession session,
LoginStoragePrompt prompt