Entire page: Click the screenshot button (
needs to be enabled first).
Viewport: Click the screenshot button (
) in Responsive Design Mode.
Node: Right-click a node within the Inspector and click “Screenshot Node”.
Via Web Console command:
screenshot <filename.png> --fullpage
Choose between a light and a dark theme for the developer tools.
Change the keyboard bindings to Vim, Emacs or Sublime Text if you’re used to different shortcuts.
Check or uncheck the different tools to enable or disable them. (There are more than the default tools!)
Page Inspector
In the markup view:
Press H with a node selected to hide/show it.
Press Backspace or Del with a node selected to delete it.
Alt + click on a node to expand or collapse it and all its descendants.
Click on the last breadcrumb button to scroll the selection into view in the inspector.
Click the “ev” icon besides a node to see all event listeners attached to it.
Press S with a node selected to see it in the page (same as right-click a node and click Scroll Into View).
Right-click a node and click Use in Console to command line as
When selecting elements:
Shift + click to select an element but keep selecting (picker mode doesn’t disengage).
Use ←/→ to navigate to parents/children elements (if they’re hard to select).
In the rules view:
Click the inspector icon
next to any selector to highlight all elements that match it.
Click the inspector icon
next to the
rule to lock the highlighter on the current element.Right-click any property and select “Show MDN Docs” to view the MDN docs for this property.
Click on the filter icon
next to an overridden property to find which other property overrides it.
Right-click on a name, value, or rule to copy anything from the name, the value, the declaration or the whole rule to your clipboard.
Web Console
In all panels:
Esc opens the split console; useful when debugging, or inspecting nodes
In the command line:
$0 references the currently selected node.
$() is a shortcut to document.querySelector()
$$() returns an array with the results from document.querySelectorAll().
$$$() returns an array of all the elements matching the selector, even when they are in the shadow DOM.
copy copies anything as a string.
Right-click a node in the Inspector and click Use in Console to create a temp*N* variable for it.
console.table() displays tabular data as table.
help opens the MDN page describing the available commands.
:screenshot <filename.png> --fullpage
saves a screenshot to your downloads directory using the optional file name. If no filename is included, the file name will be in this format:
Screen Shot date at time.png
The --fullpage
parameter is optional. If you include it, the screenshot will be of the whole page, not just the section visible in the browser windows. The file name will have -fullpage
appended to it as well. See Web Console Helpers for all parameters.
In the console output:
Click on the inspector icon
next to an element in the output to select it within the Inspector.
Check “Enable persistent logs” in the settings to keep logged messages from before even after navigation.
Check “Enable timestamps” in the settings to show timestamps besides the logged messages.
Style Editor
The black box icon
in the style sheet pane toggles the visibility of a style sheet.
Click an @media rule to apply it in Responsive Design Mode.
Click the import button
to import a style sheet or the create button
to create a new one.
Click the options button in the style sheet pane and click “Show original sources” to toggle the display of CSS preprocessor files.
Network Monitor
Click the request summary to compare performance of cache vs. no-cache page loading.
When a request is selected click “Edit and Resend” to modify its headers and send it again.
Check “enable persistent logs” in the settings to keep requests from before even after navigation.
Hover the “js” icon within the “Cause” column to see the JavaScript stack trace, which caused the request.
Check “Disable HTTP Cache (when toolbox is open)” in the settings to disable the network cache while debugging network issues.
Storage Inspector
Right-click the column headers to open a menu allowing to toggle the display of the columns.
Right-click an entry and click “Delete name” to delete it or “Delete All” to delete all entries.
Select an entry to see the parsed value of it in the sidebar.