



  • Choose between a light and a dark theme for the developer tools.

  • Change the keyboard bindings to Vim, Emacs or Sublime Text if you’re used to different shortcuts.

  • Check or uncheck the different tools to enable or disable them. (There are more than the default tools!)

Page Inspector

In the markup view:

  • Press H with a node selected to hide/show it.

  • Press Backspace or Del with a node selected to delete it.

  • Alt + click on a node to expand or collapse it and all its descendants.

  • Click on the last breadcrumb button to scroll the selection into view in the inspector.

  • Click the “ev” icon besides a node to see all event listeners attached to it.

  • Press S with a node selected to see it in the page (same as right-click a node and click Scroll Into View).

  • Right-click a node and click Use in Console to command line as tempN variable.

When selecting elements:

  • Shift + click to select an element but keep selecting (picker mode doesn’t disengage).

  • Use / to navigate to parents/children elements (if they’re hard to select).

In the rules view:

  • Click the inspector icon image2 next to any selector to highlight all elements that match it.

  • Click the inspector icon image2 next to the element{} rule to lock the highlighter on the current element.

  • Right-click any property and select “Show MDN Docs” to view the MDN docs for this property.

  • Click on the filter icon image3 next to an overridden property to find which other property overrides it.

  • Right-click on a name, value, or rule to copy anything from the name, the value, the declaration or the whole rule to your clipboard.

Web Console

In all panels:

  • Esc opens the split console; useful when debugging, or inspecting nodes

In the command line:

  • $0 references the currently selected node.

  • $() is a shortcut to document.querySelector()

  • $$() returns an array with the results from document.querySelectorAll().

  • $$$() returns an array of all the elements matching the selector, even when they are in the shadow DOM.

  • copy copies anything as a string.

  • Right-click a node in the Inspector and click Use in Console to create a temp*N* variable for it.

  • console.table() displays tabular data as table.

  • help opens the MDN page describing the available commands.

  • :screenshot <filename.png> --fullpage saves a screenshot to your downloads directory using the optional file name. If no filename is included, the file name will be in this format:

Screen Shot date at time.png

The --fullpage parameter is optional. If you include it, the screenshot will be of the whole page, not just the section visible in the browser windows. The file name will have -fullpage appended to it as well. See Web Console Helpers for all parameters.

In the console output:


  • Skip JavaScript libraries in debugging sessions via the black box icon image4.

  • Press Ctrl + Alt + F to search in all scripts.

  • Press Ctrl + D to search for a function definition.

  • Press Ctrl + L to go to a specific line.

Style Editor

Network Monitor

Storage Inspector

  • Right-click the column headers to open a menu allowing to toggle the display of the columns.

  • Right-click an entry and click “Delete name” to delete it or “Delete All” to delete all entries.

  • Select an entry to see the parsed value of it in the sidebar.