
Gecko is Mozilla’s rendering engine for the web. It is made up of HTML parsing and rendering, networking, JavaScript, IPC, DOM, OS widget abstractions and much much more. It also includes some UI components that are shared with applications built on top of Gecko such as Firefox for Desktop, Firefox for Android, and Thunderbird. As well as rendering web pages Gecko is also responsible for rendering the application’s UI in some applications.

Networking (necko)

The networking engine services requests for DNS queries as well as for content hosted on web servers using either http, http/2 or http/3 protocols to retrieve it. Necko uses NSS (Network Security Services library) for its cryptographic uses e.g. to perform secure requests using TLS.

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JavaScript (SpiderMonkey)

The JavaScript engine is responsible for running JavaScript code both in content processes for webpages as well as the JavaScript code that makes up the bulk of the UI in applications like Firefox and Thunderbird.

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System Modules

Gecko uses a variant of the standard ECMAScript module to implement the browser internal.

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XPCOM (Cross-Platform Component Object Model) is Mozilla’s version of Microsoft’s COM.

XPCOM and WebIDL are the primary ways for our frontend to communicate with the underlying platform and to invoke methods that are implemented in native code.

XPCOM performs the following critical functions:

  1. Allows creating software components with strictly defined interfaces using XPIDL. These components can be implemented in C++, JavaScript or Rust. They can also be invoked and manipulated in any of those languages regardless of the underlying implementation language.

  2. Acts as a process-global registry of named components (there are singleton “services” as well as factories for creating instances of components).

  3. Allows components and services to implement multiple interfaces, and to be dynamically cast to those interfaces using QueryInterface.

If that all sounds rather abstract, that’s because it is. XPCOM is one of the oldest Mozilla technologies that Firefox is still built on top of. XPCOM made a lot more sense in the late 90s when Microsoft COM was still popular and the Mozilla codebase was also being developed as a general application development platform for third-parties. There have been long-standing efforts to move away from or simplify XPCOM in places where its usefulness is questionable.

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Process Separation / Fission / IPC / Actors

Firefox is a multi-process application. Over the lifetime of the main Firefox process, many other sub processes can be started and stopped. A full catalogue of those different processes can be found here.

Firefox communicates between these processes (mostly) asynchronously using the native inter-process communication mechanisms of the underlying platform. Those mechanisms and their details are hidden under cross-platform abstractions like IPDL (for native code) and JSActors (for frontend code).

Firefox’s initial web content process separation (this was Project “Electrolysis”, sometimes shortened to “e10s”) shipped in 2016, and separated all web content into a single shared content process. Not long after that, multiple content processes were enabled, and the web content of tabs would be assigned to one of the created content processes using a round-robin scheme. In 2021, as part of the mitigations for the Spectre and Meltdown processor vulnerabilities, Firefox’s process model changed to enforce a model where each content process only loads and executes instructions from a single site (this was Project “Fission”). You can read more about the underlying rationale and technical details about Project Fission.


The DOM APIs implement the functionality of elements in webpages and UI that is rendered by Gecko.

WebIDL is a standard specification for describing the interfaces to DOM objects. As well as defining the interface for webpages Gecko also makes use of it for defining the interface to various internal components. Like XPCOM, components that implement WebIDL interfaces can be called from both C++ and JavaScript.

Style System (CSS)

The style system is responsible for parsing the document’s CSS and using that to resolve a value for every CSS property on every element in the document. This determines many characteristics of how each element will render (e.g. fonts, colors, size, layout model).

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The layout engine is responsible for taking the DOM and styles and generating and updating a frame tree ready for presentation to the user.

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The graphics component is responsible for taking the frame tree generated by the layout engine and presenting it on screen.

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Localization (Fluent)

At Mozilla, localizations are managed by locale communities around the world, who are responsible for maintaining high quality linguistic and cultural adaptation of Mozilla software into over 100 locales.

The exact process of localization management differs from project to project, but in the case of Gecko applications, the localization is primarily done via a web localization system called Pontoon and stored in a GitHub repository under

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A user profile is where Gecko stores settings, caches and any other data that must persist after the application exits. It is made up of two directories on disk. The root directory (often just called the profile directory) is where settings are stored. The local directory is for caches or any other data that is temporary and will be rebuilt with no perceived loss to the user should it be unavailable. These two directories can just be the same directory on disk. In an enterprise environment or other situation where a user often switches between computers the root directory is intended to be in a location on the network accessible to all computers while the local directory can be local to the computer.

The profile service maintains a database of named user profiles that can be selected either from the command line or through a basic user interface. Additionally command line arguments exist that will run an application using any given directory for the user profile.


The preferences service is a basic key value store for a user’s settings. The keys are simple strings and although are often considered to be hierarchical with parts separated by periods internally everything is just held as flat lists. Preference values can be strings, integers or boolean.

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Observer Service

The Observer Service (nsIObserverService) is a process-global XPCOM service that acts as a general message bus implementing the publish-subscribe pattern. Components implementing nsIObserver (or simple functions in JavaScript) can be registered with the observer service to be notified when particular “topics” (topics are just developer-defined strings) have occurred. This is particularly useful for creating a dependency between two components without tightly coupling them.

For example, suppose there is a mechanism that clears a user’s browsing history from the disk and memory. At the end of that process, it might tell the observer service to notify on a topic like “browser-clear-history”. An observer registered for that topic might use that signal to know to clear some of its caches, which might also contain browsing history.

Principals / Security model

Whenever Firefox on Desktop or Android fetches a resource from the web, Firefox performs a variety of web security checks. Most prominently the Same-origin Policy to ensure web pages can not harm end users by performing malicious actions, like e.g. accessing the local file system. All web related security checks within Firefox are evaluated based on the security concept of a Principal, which slightly simplified represents an origin. More precisely, Firefox captures the security context using one of the following four types of Principals:

  • Content-Principal, which reflects the Security Context of web content (origin). For example, when visiting a Content-Principal of reflects the security context of that origin and passes if scheme, host and port match.

  • Null-Principal, which reflects a sandboxed (or least privilege) Security Context. For example, when loading an iframe with a sandbox attribute Firefox internally generates a Null-Principal to reflect that security context. A Null-Principal is only same-origin with itself.

  • System-Principal, which reflects the security context of browser chrome-code and passes all security checks. Important: Never use SystemPrincipal if the URI to be loaded can be influenced by web content.

  • Expanded-Principal, which is a list of principals to match the security needs for Content Scripts in Firefox Extensions.

Whenever Firefox starts to load a resource (e.g. script, css, image) then security relevant meta information including nsIPrincipal is attached to the nsILoadInfo. This load context providing object remains attached to the resource load ( nsIChannel) throughout the entire loading life cycle of a resource and allows Firefox to provide the same security guarantees even if the resource load encounters a server side redirect.

Please find all the details about the Security Model of Firefox by reading the blog posts: Understanding Web Security Checks in Firefox ( Part 1 & Part 2) and Enforcing Content Security By Default within Firefox.

Chrome Protocol

The chrome protocol is an internal protocol used to reference files that ship as part of the application. It is of the form chrome://<package>/<provider>/… where provider is one of content, skin or locale. The majority of files referenced by the chrome protocol are stored in the omni.ja files which are generated from JAR manifest files at build time. Chrome manifest files are used to register where in the jar files different packages are stored.

Resource Protocol

The resource protocol is another internal protocol that can reference files that ship as part of the application. Strictly speaking it is simply a mapped, all urls of the form resource://<package>/… are mapped to <new-uri>/…. The mappings are generally defined using the resource instruction in chrome manifest files however can also be defined at runtime and some hardcoded mappings. Common examples include:

  • resource://gre/… which references files in the gecko omni.ja file.

  • resource://app/…, often simplified as resource:///… which references files in the application omni.ja file.

About pages/protocol

The about protocol allows for binding short human-readable urls to internal content to be displayed in the content area. For the most part each about page is simply a simpler name for content in the chrome or resource protocols. For example the page about:processes simply loads chrome://global/content/aboutProcesses.html. About pages are registered in the global and desktop redirector components.


Toolkit consists of components that can be shared across multiple applications built on top of Gecko. For example, much of our WebExtensions API surfaces are implemented in toolkit, as several of these APIs are shared between both Firefox, Firefox for Android, and in some cases Thunderbird.

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Linting / building / testing / developer workflow

Set-up the build environment using the contributor’s quick reference.

Make yourself aware of the Linting set-up, in particular how to run linters and add hooks to automatically run the linters on commit. Additionally, make sure you set-up your editor with appropriate settings for linters. For VS Code, these are set up automatically, as per the documentation.

For front-end work, ESLint and Prettier are the linters you’ll use the most, see the section on ESLint for details of both of those, which also has an FAQ.

Details about automated tests may be found here. The most commonly used tests are XPCShell for testing backend components, Browser Chrome Tests for testing the frontend UI and Web Platform Tests for testing web APIs.


The WebExtensions APIs allow extensions to interact with the rest of the browser.

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