SearchService High-level Overview
is the core component that manages Search Engines on the
Firefox browser.
The following diagram is a high level systems context diagram of the
. The diagram illustrates which systems interface with the
so that it can do its job of managing the Search Engines.
The diagram and description is an over-simplification of the SearchService's
responsibilities. It specifically highlights how the SearchService
search engines to the browser on startup. However, the SearchService
many other responsibilities that are not outlined in the diagram such as
maintaining and managing the Search Engines when various items change, e.g. the
user’s region or locale, configuration changes received from remote settings,
updates received to search engine data. Nonetheless, the diagram gives a broad
overview of the main components the SearchService
interacts with most often.

Description of the Diagram
These steps follow the same number on the diagram. Number 1 on the diagram is described by number 1 below.
When the user opens the Firefox Browser, the code starts to build the browser UI components. During this startup phase, we have various systems making calls to the
. E.g. browser.js
to fetch the default Search Engine.The
needs information fromExtension System
, andRemote Settings
to build the correct engines in the right order and to return the list of engines to its callers.a) First, the
makes a request for the search configuration.SearchService
calls SearchEngineSelector.fetchEngineConfiguration which makes a call to Remote Settings for the search configuration. Remote Settings does not fetch the search configuration from the remote database on startup. Instead Remote Settings tries to load the search configuration dump file from its local database and if that is empty, it will load the dump file into its local database. Only after startup will Remote Settings connect to the remote database when necessary. By connecting after startup, it avoids a potential network request that could delay startup.b) Second, the
fetches a JSON file from the SearchSettings. This JSON file contains Search Engine metadata that is saved on the user’s computer. It’s information that helps theSearchService
remember the user’s custom settings for the Search Engines.c) Third, the Extension System passes the extension data to the
. At this point, theSearchService
only installs user installed search extensions.After steps 2a, 2b, and 2c the
has finished gathering search engine data fromSystem Add-ons
, andRemote Settings
. Now theSearchService
can build the different types of Search Engines.The
creates new instances of SearchEngines by making an App-Provided, Add-on, Open Search, or Enterprise Policy Search Engine.The
returns the engines to the caller that requested it. E.g. theSearchService
passes the default Search Engine back tobrowser.js
, the system that initially requested it.
This page is up to date as of April 18, 2024. If the diagram or description
becomes out of date, please find access to the Search Service Diagram
Firefox Search > Search Service Documentation
folder in the Firefox Search
shared drive. Contributions are welcomed to keep this page up to date.