Developing with a local Glean build

FOG uses a release version of Glean, as published on

For local development and try runs you can replace this Glean implementation with a local or remote version.

  1. To tell mach where to find your Glean, patch the top-level Cargo.toml. E.g. like this:

    glean = { git = "", branch = "my-feature-branch" }
    glean-core = { git = "", branch = "my-feature-branch" }

    Both crates are required to ensure they are in sync.

    You can specify the exact code to use by branch, tag or rev (Git commit). See the cargo documentation for details.

    You can also use a path dependency:

    glean = { path = "../glean/glean-core/rlb" }
    glean-core = { path = "../glean/glean-core" }
  2. If the crate version in the patched repository is not semver-compatible with the version required by the fog and fog_control crates, you need to change the version in the following files to match the ones in your glean repo:


    This tells FOG’s crates that it needs your local Glean’s version.

  3. Update the Cargo lockfile:

    cargo update -p glean
  4. Mozilla’s supply-chain management policy requires that third-party software (which includes the Glean SDK because it is distributed as though it is third-party) be audited and certified as safe. Your local Glean SDK probably hasn’t been vetted. If you try to vendor right now, ./mach vendor rust will complain something like:

    Vet error: There are some issues with your policy.audit-as-crates-io entries

    This is because your local Glean SDK is neither of a version nor is from a source that has been vetted. To allow your local Glean crates to be treated as crates for vetting, add the following sections to the top of supply-chain/config.toml:

    audit-as-crates-io = true
    audit-as-crates-io = true

    If your local Glean is of a non-vetted version, you can update glean and glean-core’s entries in supply-chain/audits.toml to the version you’re using. If you don’t, ./mach vendor rust will complain and not complete.

    Note: Do not attempt to check these changes in. These changes bypass supply chain defenses. @supply-chain-reviewers may become cross as they r- your patch.

  5. Vendor the changed crates:

    ./mach vendor rust

    Note: If you’re using a path dependency, mach vendor rust doesn’t actually change files. Instead it pulls the files directly from the location on disk you specify.

  6. Finally, build Firefox:

    ./mach build

A remote reference works for try runs as well, but a path dependency will not.

Please ensure to not land a non-release version of Glean.