Adding a New Metric Type

This document covers how to add a new metric type to FOG. You should only have to do this if a new metric type is added to the Glean SDK and it is needed in Firefox Desktop.


For detailed information about the IPC design, including a list of forbidden operations, please consult the FOG IPC documentation.

When adding a new metric type, the main IPC considerations are:

  • Which operations are forbidden because they are not commutative?

    • Most set-style operations cannot be reconciled sensibly across multiple processes.

  • If there are non-forbidden operations, what partial representation will this metric have in non-main processes? Put another way, what shape of storage will this take up in the IPC Payload?

    • For example, Counters can aggregate all partial counts together to a single “partial sum”. So its representation in the IPC Payload is just a single number per Counter.

    • In contrast, Timing Distributions’ bucket arrangements are known only to the core, so it can’t combine sample counts in child processes. Instead we record durations in the highest resolution (nanos), and send a stream of high-precision samples across IPC.

To implement IPC support in a metric type, we split FOG’s Rust implementation of the metric into three pieces:

  1. An umbrella enum with the name MetricTypeMetric.

    • It has a Child and a Parent variant.

    • It is IPC-aware and is responsible for

      • If on a non-parent-process, either storing partial representations in the IPC Payload, or logging errors if forbidden non-test APIs are called. (Or panicking if test APIs are called.)

      • If on the parent process, dispatching API calls on its inner Rust Language Binding metric.

  2. The parent-process implementation is supplied by the RLB.

    • For testing, it stores the MetricId that identifies this particular metric in a cross-process fashion.

    • For testing, it exposes a child_metric() function to create its Child equivalent.

    • For testing and if it supports operations in a non-parent-process, it exposes a metric_id() function to access the stored MetricId.

  3. The MetricTypeIpc is the non-parent-process implementation.

    • If it does support operations in non-parent processes it stores the MetricId that identifies this particular metric in a cross-process fashion.


FOG can mirror Glean metrics to Telemetry probes via the Glean Interface For Firefox Telemetry.

Can this metric type be mirrored? Should it be mirrored?

If so, add an appropriate Telemetry probe for it to mirror to, documenting the compatibility in the GIFFT docs.


If you add a GIFFT mirror, don’t forget to test that the mirror works. You should be able to do this by adding a task to toolkit/components/glean/tests/xpcshell/test_GIFFT.js.

GIFFT C++ State: Typical Locking and Shutdown

Some metric types (labeled_*, timespan, timing_distribution) require holding state in C++ to make GIFFT work. Pings also hold state to support testBeforeNextSubmit(). If your new metric type requires state in C++, the current state-of-the-art is a StaticDataMutex-locked UniquePtr to a nsTHashTable. Access to the inner map is guarded by the lock and is controlled and lazily-instantiated through a single access function. See Ping’s GetCallbackMapLock() for example.

It is important to clear this state to avoid leaks. (See bug 1752417.) However, instrumentation may call metrics APIs at any time.

Therefore, GIFFT explicitly stops supporting these state-requiring operations after the AppShutdownTelemetry shutdown phase. This is because during the next phase (XPCOMWillShutdown) we clear the state.


FOG uses the Rust Language Binding APIs (the glean crate) with a layer of IPC on top.

The IPC additions and glean-core trait implementations are in the private module of the fog crate.

Each metric type gets its own file, mimicking the structure in glean_core and glean. Unless, of course, that metric is a labeled metric type. Then the sub metric type gets its own file, and you need to add “Labeledness” to it by implementing Sealed for your new type following the pattern in api/src/private/

Every method on the metric type is public for now, including test methods, and is at least all the methods exposed via the metric traits.

To support IPC and the MLA FFI (see below) we identify metric instances by MetricId and store them in maps in the __glean_metric_maps mod of This work is done by the and rust(_pings).jinja2 extensions to glean_parser found in the build_scripts/glean_parser_ext/ folder.

You shouldn’t have to edit these files for new metric types, as the original modifications to glean_parser for this type should already be generating correct code.

Rust Tests

You should be able to smoke test the basic functionality in Rust unit tests. You can do this within the metric type implementation file directly.

C++ and JS

The C++ and JS APIs are implemented atop the Rust API. We treat them both together since, though they’re different languages, they’re both implemented in C++ and share much of their implementation.

The overall design is to build the C++ API atop the Multi-Language Architecture’s (MLA’s) FFI, then build the JS API atop the C++ API. This allows features like the Glean Interface For Firefox Telemetry (GIFFT) that target only C++ and JS to be more simply implemented in the C++ layer. Exceptions to this (where the JS uses the FFI directly) are discouraged.

Each metric type has six pieces you’ll need to cover:


  • Using our convenient macros, define the metric type’s Multi-Language Architecture FFI layer above the Rust API in api/src/ffi/.

2. C++ Impl

  • Implement a type called XMetric (e.g. CounterMetric) in mozilla::glean::impl in bindings/private/.

    • Its methods should be named the same as the ones in the Rust API, transformed to CamelCase.

    • They should all be public.

    • Multiplex the FFI’s test_have and test_get functions into a single TestGetValue function that returns a mozilla::Maybe wrapping the C++ type that best fits the metric type.

  • Include the new metric type in bindings/MetricTypes.h.

  • Include the new files in The header file should be added to EXPORTS.mozilla.glean.bindings and the .cpp file should be added to UNIFIED_SOURCES.

3. IDL

  • Duplicate the public API (including its docs) to dom/webidl/GleanMetrics.webidl with the name GleanX (e.g. GleanCounter).

    • Inherit from GleanMetric.

    • The naming style for methods here is lowerCamelCase.

    • If the metric method is a reserved word, prepend it with a _.

    • Web IDL bindings use their own mapping for types. If you choose ones that most closely resemble the C++ types, you’ll make your life easier.

  • Add a new mapping in dom/bindings/Bindings.conf:

    'GleanX': {
        'nativeType': 'mozilla::glean::GleanX',
        'headerFile': 'mozilla/glean/bindings/X.h',
    • If you don’t, you will get a build error complaining fatal error: 'mozilla/dom/GleanX.h' file not found.

4. JS Impl

  • Implement the GleanX (e.g. GleanCounter) type in the same header and .cpp as XMetric in toolkit/components/glean/bindings/private/

    • It should own an instance of and delegate method implementations to XMetric.

    • In the definition of GleanX, member identifiers are back to CamelCase.

    • Test-only methods can throw DataError on failure.

    • Review the Web IDL Bindings documentation for help with optional, nullable, and non-primitive types.

6. Tests

Two languages means two test suites.

  • Add a never-expiring test-only metric of your type to test_metrics.yaml.

    • Feel free to be clever with the name, but be sure to make clear that it is test-only.

  • C++ Tests (GTest) - Add a small test case to gtest/TestFog.cpp.

  • JS Tests (xpcshell) - Add a small test case to xpcshell/test_Glean.js and xpcshell/test_JOG.js. If your metric type has supported IPC operations, also add cases to the IPC variants of these test files.

7. API Documentation

Metric API Documentation is centralized in the Glean SDK Book.

You will need to craft a Pull Request against the SDK adding a C++ and JS example to the specific metric type’s API docs.

Add a notice at the top of both examples that these APIs are only available in Firefox Desktop:

<div data-lang="C++" class="tab">

> **Note**: C++ APIs are only available in Firefox Desktop.

#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"


There are test APIs available too:

#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"

ASSERT_EQ(value, mozilla::glean::category_name::metric_name.TestGetValue().ref());

// and again for <div data-lang="JS">

If you’re lucky, the Rust API will have already been added. Otherwise you’ll need to write an example for that one too.

8. Labeled metrics (if necessary)

If your new metric type is Labeled, you have more work to do. I’m assuming you’ve already implemented the non-labeled sub metric type following the steps above. Now you must add “Labeledness” to it.

There are five pieces to this:


  • If your new labeled metric type supports IPC, you will need to build a type called LabeledXMetric in a file called (e.g. toolkit/components/glean/api/src/private/ that stores the submetric’s label between calls so it can supply it to the IPC payload.

  • If your new labeled metric type does not support IPC, you will still need a LabeledXMetric type, but this one can be a re-export of the unlabeled type by putting pub use self::x::XMetric as LabeledXMetric; in toolkit/components/glean/api/src/private/ (e.g. LabeledBooleanMetric).


  • To add the writeable storage Rust will use to store the dynamically-generated sub metric instances, add your sub metric type’s map as a list item in the submetric_maps mod of toolkit/components/glean/build_scripts/glean_parser_ext/templates/rust.jinja2.

  • Following the pattern of the others, add a fog_{your labeled metric name here}_get() FFI API to api/src/ffi/ This is what C++ and JS will use to allocate and retrieve sub metric instances by id.

  • Finally, augment the with_metric! macro to recognize that your type is sometimes labeled by using the maybe_labeled_with_metric! submacro in toolkit/components/glean/api/src/ffi/


  • Following the pattern of the others, add a template specialization for both Labeled<YourSubMetric, E>::{EnumGet|Get} and Labeled<YourSubMetric, DynamicLabel> to toolkit/components/glean/bindings/private/Labeled.h. This will ensure C++ consumers can fetch or create sub metric instances.


  • Already handled for you since the JS types all inherit from GleanMetric and the JS template knows to add your new type to NewSubMetricFromIds(...) (see GleanLabeled::NamedGetter if you’re curious).


  • The labeled variant will need tests the same as Step #6. A tip: be sure to test two labels with different values.

Python Tests

We have a suite of tests for ensuring code generation generates appropriate code. You should add a metric to that suite for your new metric type. You will need to regenerate the expected files.