
The environment consists of data that is expected to be characteristic for performance and other behavior and not expected to change too often.

Changes to most of these data points are detected (where possible and sensible) and will lead to a session split in the “main” ping. The environment data may also be submitted by other ping types.

Note: This is not submitted with all ping types due to privacy concerns. This and other data is inspected under the data collection policy.

Some parts of the environment must be fetched asynchronously at startup. We don’t want other Telemetry components to block on waiting for the environment, so some items may be missing from it until the async fetching finished. This currently affects the following sections:

  • profile

  • add-ons

  • services


  build: {
    applicationId: <string>, // nsIXULAppInfo.ID
    applicationName: <string>, // "Firefox"
    architecture: <string>, // e.g. "x86", build architecture for the active build
    buildId: <string>, // e.g. "20141126041045"
    version: <string>, // e.g. "35.0"
    vendor: <string>, // e.g. "Mozilla"
    displayVersion: <string>, // e.g. "35.0b1"
    platformVersion: <string>, // e.g. "35.0"
    xpcomAbi: <string>, // e.g. "x86-msvc"
    updaterAvailable: <bool>, // Whether the app was built with app update available (MOZ_UPDATER)
  settings: {
    addonCompatibilityCheckEnabled: <bool>, // Whether application compatibility is respected for add-ons
    blocklistEnabled: <bool>, // true on failure
    isDefaultBrowser: <bool>, // whether Firefox is the default browser. Checked once near startup. On Windows, this is operationalized as whether Firefox is the default HTTP protocol handler and the default HTML file handler.
    defaultSearchEngine: <string>, // e.g. "yahoo"
    defaultSearchEngineData: {, // data about the current default engine
      name: <string>, // engine name, e.g. "Yahoo"; or "NONE" if no default
      loadPath: <string>, // where the engine line is located; missing if no default
      submissionURL: <string> // set for default engines or well known search domains
    defaultPrivateSearchEngine: <string>, // e.g. "duckduckgo"
    defaultPrivateSearchEngine: {,
      // data about the current default engine for private browsing mode. Same as defaultSearchEngineData.
    launcherProcessState: <integer>, // optional, values correspond to values of mozilla::LauncherRegistryInfo::EnabledState enum
    e10sEnabled: <bool>, // whether e10s is on, i.e. browser tabs open by default in a different process
    e10sMultiProcesses: <integer>, // Maximum number of processes that will be launched for regular web content
    fissionEnabled: <bool>, // whether fission is enabled this session, and subframes can load in a different process
    locale: <string>, // e.g. "it", null on failure
    intl: {
      requestedLocales: [ <string>, ... ], // The locales that are being requested.
      availableLocales: [ <string>, ... ], // The locales that are available for use.
      appLocales: [ <string>, ... ], // The negotiated locales that are being used.
      systemLocales: [ <string>, ... ], // The locales for the OS.
      regionalPrefsLocales: [ <string>, ... ], // The regional preferences for the OS.
      acceptLanguages: [ <string>, ... ], // The languages for the Accept-Languages header.
    update: {
      channel: <string>, // e.g. "release", null on failure
      enabled: <bool>, // true on failure
      autoDownload: <bool>, // true on failure
      background: <bool>, // Indicates whether updates may be installed when Firefox is not running.
    userPrefs: {
      // Only prefs which are changed are listed in this block
      "pref.name.value": value // some prefs send the value
      "pref.name.url": "<user-set>" // For some privacy-sensitive prefs
        // only the fact that the value has been changed is recorded
    attribution: { // optional, only present if the installation has attribution data
      // all of these values are optional.
      source: <string>, // referring partner domain, when install happens via a known partner
      medium: <string>, // category of the source, such as "organic" for a search engine
      campaign: <string>, // identifier of the particular campaign that led to the download of the product
      content: <string>, // identifier to indicate the particular link within a campaign
      variation: <string>, // name/id of the variation cohort used in the enrolled funnel experiment
      experiment: <string>, // name/id of the enrolled funnel experiment
      ua: <string>, // identifier derived from the user agent downloading the installer, e.g., chrome, Google Chrome 123
      dltoken: <string>, // Unique token created at Firefox download time. ex: c18f86a3-f228-4d98-91bb-f90135c0aa9c
      msstoresignedin: <boolean>, // optional, only present if the installation was done through the Microsoft Store, and was able to retrieve the "campaign ID" it was first installed with. this value is "true" if the user was signed into the Microsoft Store when they first installed, and false otherwise
      dlsource: <string>, // identifier that indicate where installations of Firefox originate
    sandbox: {
      effectiveContentProcessLevel: <integer>,
      contentWin32kLockdownState: <integer>,
  // Optional, missing if fetching the information failed or had not yet completed.
  services: {
    // True if the user has a firefox account
    accountEnabled: <bool>,
    // True if the user has sync enabled.
    syncEnabled: <bool>
  profile: {
    creationDate: <integer>, // integer days since UNIX epoch, e.g. 16446
    resetDate: <integer>, // integer days since UNIX epoch, e.g. 16446 - optional
    firstUseDate: <integer>, // integer days since UNIX epoch, e.g. 16446 - optional
    recoveredFromBackup: <integer>, // integer days since UNIX epoch, e.g. 16446 - optional
  partner: { // This section may not be immediately available on startup
    distributionId: <string>, // pref "distribution.id", null on failure
    distributionVersion: <string>, // pref "distribution.version", null on failure
    partnerId: <string>, // pref mozilla.partner.id, null on failure
    distributor: <string>, // pref app.distributor, null on failure
    distributorChannel: <string>, // pref app.distributor.channel, null on failure
    partnerNames: [
      // list from prefs app.partner.<name>=<name>
  system: {
    memoryMB: <number>,
    virtualMaxMB: <number>, // windows-only
    isWow64: <bool>, // windows-only
    isWowARM64: <bool>, // windows-only
    hasWinPackageId: <bool>, // windows-only
    winPackageFamilyName: <string>, // windows-only
    cpu: {
        count: <number>,  // desktop only, e.g. 8, or null on failure - logical cpus
        cores: <number>, // desktop only, e.g., 4, or null on failure - physical cores
        vendor: <string>, // desktop only, e.g. "GenuineIntel", or null on failure
        name: <string>, // desktop only, e.g. "Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz",
                        // or null on failure
        family: <number>, // desktop only, null on failure
        model: <number, // desktop only, null on failure
        stepping: <number>, // desktop only, null on failure
        l2cacheKB: <number>, // L2 cache size in KB, only on windows & mac
        l3cacheKB: <number>, // desktop only, L3 cache size in KB
        speedMHz: <number>, // desktop only, cpu clock speed in MHz
        extensions: [
          // as applicable:
          // "hasMMX", "hasSSE", "hasSSE2", "hasSSE3", "hasSSSE3",
          // "hasSSE4A", "hasSSE4_1", "hasSSE4_2", "hasAVX", "hasAVX2",
          // "hasAES", "hasEDSP", "hasARMv6", "hasARMv7", "hasNEON"
    os: {
        name: <string>, // "Windows_NT" or null on failure
        version: <string>, // e.g. "6.1", null on failure
        servicePackMajor: <number>, // windows only or null on failure
        servicePackMinor: <number>, // windows only or null on failure
        windowsBuildNumber: <number>, // windows only or null on failure
        windowsUBR: <number>, // windows 10 only or null on failure
        installYear: <number>, // windows only or null on failure
        locale: <string>, // "en" or null on failure
        hasPrefetch: <bool>, // windows only, or null on failure
        hasSuperfetch: <bool>, // windows only, or null on failure
        distro: <string>, // linux only, or null on failure
        distroVersion: <string>, // linux only, or null on failure
    hdd: {
      profile: { // hdd where the profile folder is located
          model: <string>, // windows only or null on failure
          revision: <string>, // windows only or null on failure
          type: <string>, // "SSD" or "HDD" windows only or null on failure
      binary:  { // hdd where the application binary is located
          model: <string>, // windows only or null on failure
          revision: <string>, // windows only or null on failure
          type: <string>, // "SSD" or "HDD" windows only or null on failure
      system:  { // hdd where the system files are located
          model: <string>, // windows only or null on failure
          revision: <string>, // windows only or null on failure
          type: <string>, // "SSD" or "HDD" windows only or null on failure
    gfx: {
        D2DEnabled: <bool>, // null on failure
        DWriteEnabled: <bool>, // null on failure
        ContentBackend: <string> // One of "Cairo", "Skia", or "Direct2D 1.1"
        Headless: <bool>, // null on failure
        TargetFrameRate: <number>, // frame rate in Hz, typically 60 or more
        adapters: [
            description: <string>, // e.g. "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600", null on failure
            vendorID: <string>, // null on failure
            deviceID: <string>, // null on failure
            subsysID: <string>, // null on failure
            RAM: <number>, // in MB, null on failure
            driver: <string>, // null on failure
            driverVendor: <string>, // null on failure
            driverVersion: <string>, // null on failure
            driverDate: <string>, // null on failure
            GPUActive: <bool>, // currently always true for the first adapter
        // Note: currently only added on Desktop. On Linux, only a single
        // monitor is returned for the primary screen.
        monitors: [
            screenWidth: <number>,  // screen width in pixels
            screenHeight: <number>, // screen height in pixels
            refreshRate: <number>,  // refresh rate in hertz (present on Windows only).
                                    //  (values <= 1 indicate an unknown value)
            pseudoDisplay: <bool>,  // networked screen (present on Windows only)
            scale: <number>,        // backing scale factor (present on Mac only)
        features: {
          compositor: <string>,     // Layers backend for compositing (e.g. "d3d11", "none", "opengl", "webrender")

          // Each the following features can have one of the following statuses:
          //   "unused"      - This feature has not been requested.
          //   "unavailable" - Safe Mode or OS restriction prevents use.
          //   "blocked"     - Blocked due to an internal condition such as safe mode.
          //   "blacklisted" - Blocked due to a blacklist restriction.
          //   "denied"      - Blocked due to allowlist restrictions.
          //   "disabled"    - User explicitly disabled this default feature.
          //   "failed"      - This feature was attempted but failed to initialize.
          //   "available"   - User has this feature available.
          // The status can also include a ":" followed by a reason
          // e.g. "FEATURE_FAILURE_WEBRENDER_VIDEO_CRASH_INTEL_23.20.16.4973"
          d3d11: { // This feature is Windows-only.
            status: <string>,
            warp: <bool>,           // Software rendering (WARP) mode was chosen.
            textureSharing: <bool>  // Whether or not texture sharing works.
            version: <number>,      // The D3D11 device feature level.
            blacklisted: <bool>,    // Whether D3D11 is blacklisted; use to see whether WARP
                                    // was blacklist induced or driver-failure induced.
          d2d: { // This feature is Windows-only.
            status: <string>,
            version: <string>,      // Either "1.0" or "1.1".
          gpuProcess: { // Out-of-process compositing ("GPU process") feature
            status: <string>, // "Available" means currently in use
          hwCompositing: { // hardware acceleration. i.e. whether we try using the GPU
            status: <string>
          wrCompositor: { // native OS compositor (CA, DComp, etc.)
            status: <string>
          wrSoftware: { // Software backend for WebRender, only computed when 'compositor' is 'webrender'
            status: <string>
          openglCompositing: { // OpenGL compositing.
            status: <string>
    appleModelId: <string>, // Mac only or null on failure
    sec: { // This feature is Windows 8+ only
      antivirus: [ <string>, ... ],    // null if unavailable on platform: Product name(s) of registered antivirus programs
      antispyware: [ <string>, ... ],  // null if unavailable on platform: Product name(s) of registered antispyware programs
      firewall: [ <string>, ... ],     // null if unavailable on platform: Product name(s) of registered firewall programs
  addons: {
    activeAddons: { // the currently enabled add-ons
      <addon id>: {
        blocklisted: <bool>,
        description: <string>, // null if not available
        name: <string>,
        userDisabled: <bool>,
        appDisabled: <bool>,
        version: <string>,
        scope: <integer>,
        type: <string>, // "extension", "locale", ...
        foreignInstall: <bool>,
        hasBinaryComponents: <bool>,
        installDay: <number>, // days since UNIX epoch, 0 on failure
        updateDay: <number>, // days since UNIX epoch, 0 on failure
        signedState: <integer>, // whether the add-on is signed by AMO
        signedTypes: <string>, // JSON-stringified array of signature types found (see nsIAppSignatureInfo's SignatureAlgorithm enum)
        isSystem: <bool>, // true if this is a System Add-on
        isWebExtension: <bool>, // true if this is a WebExtension
        multiprocessCompatible: <bool>, // true if this add-on does *not* require e10s shims
    theme: { // the active theme
      id: <string>,
      blocklisted: <bool>,
      description: <string>,
      name: <string>,
      userDisabled: <bool>,
      appDisabled: <bool>,
      version: <string>,
      scope: <integer>,
      foreignInstall: <bool>,
      hasBinaryComponents: <bool>
      installDay: <number>, // days since UNIX epoch, 0 on failure
      updateDay: <number>, // days since UNIX epoch, 0 on failure
      signedState: <integer>, // whether the add-on is signed by AMO
      signedTypes: <string>, // JSON-stringified array of signature types found (see nsIAppSignatureInfo's SignatureAlgorithm enum)
    activeGMPlugins: {
        <gmp id>: {
            version: <string>,
            userDisabled: <bool>,
            applyBackgroundUpdates: <integer>,
  experiments: {
    "<experiment id>": { branch: "<branch>", type: "<type>", enrollmentId: "<id>" },
    // ...



Firefox builds downloaded from mozilla.org use a 14-digit buildId. Builds included in other distributions may have a different format (e.g. only 10 digits).



Note: Deprecated, use defaultSearchEngineData instead.

Contains the string identifier or name of the default search engine provider. This will not be present in environment data collected before the Search Service initialization.

The special value NONE could occur if there is no default search engine.

The special value UNDEFINED could occur if a default search engine exists but its identifier could not be determined.

This field’s contents are Services.search.defaultEngine.identifier (if defined) or "other-" + Services.search.defaultEngine.name if not. In other words, search engines without an .identifier are prefixed with other-.


Contains data identifying the engine currently set as the default.

The object contains:

  • a name property with the name of the engine, or NONE if no engine is currently set as the default.

  • a loadPath property: an anonymized path of the engine xml file, e.g. jar:[app]/omni.ja!browser/engine.xml (where ‘browser’ is the name of the chrome package, not a folder) [profile]/searchplugins/engine.xml [distribution]/searchplugins/common/engine.xml [other]/engine.xml [other]/addEngineWithDetails [other]/addEngineWithDetails:extensionID [http/https]example.com/engine-name.xml [http/https]example.com/engine-name.xml:extensionID

  • a submissionURL property with the HTTP url we would use to search. For privacy, we don’t record this for user-installed engines.

loadPath and submissionURL are not present if name is NONE.


This contains the data identifying the engine current set as the default for private browsing mode. This may be the same engine as set for normal browsing mode.

This object contains the same information as defaultSearchEngineData. It is only reported if the browser.search.separatePrivateDefault preference is set to true.


This object contains user preferences.

Each key in the object is the name of a preference. A key’s value depends on the policy with which the preference was collected. There are three such policies, “value”, “state”, and “default value”. For preferences collected under the “value” policy, the value will be the preference’s value. For preferences collected under the “state” policy, the value will be an opaque marker signifying only that the preference has a user value. The “state” policy is therefore used when user privacy is a concern. For preferences collected under the “default value” policy, the value will be the preference’s default value, if the preference exists. If the preference does not exist, there is no key or value.

The following is a partial list of collected preferences.

  • browser.migrate.interactions.bookmarks: True if the user has imported bookmarks from another browser before. This preference gets transferred during profile resets.

  • browser.migrate.interactions.csvpasswords: True if the user has imported passwords through the migration wizard from a CSV file. This preference gets transferred during profile resets.

  • browser.migrate.interactions.history: True if the user has imported history from another browser before. This preference gets transferred during profile resets.

  • browser.migrate.interactions.passwords: True if the user has imported passwords from another browser before. This preference gets transferred during profile resets.

  • browser.privatebrowsing.autostart: True if the user has enabled the permanent private browsing mode. Defaults to false.

  • browser.search.suggest.enabled: The “master switch” for search suggestions everywhere in Firefox (search bar, urlbar, etc.). Defaults to true.

  • browser.urlbar.autoFill: The global preference for whether autofill in the urlbar is enabled. When false, all types of autofill are disabled.

  • browser.urlbar.autoFill.adaptiveHistory.enabled: True if adaptive history autofill in the urlbar is enabled.

  • browser.urlbar.dnsResolveSingleWordsAfterSearch: Controls when to DNS resolve single word search strings, after they were searched for. If the string is resolved as a valid host, show a “Did you mean to go to ‘host’” prompt. 0: Never resolve, 1: Use heuristics, 2. Always resolve. Defaults to 0.

  • browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.onboardingDialogChoice: The user’s choice in the Firefox Suggest onboarding dialog. If the dialog was shown multiple times, this records the user’s most recent choice. Values are the following. Empty string: The user has not made a choice (e.g., because the dialog hasn’t been shown). accept_2 is recorded when the user accepts the dialog and opts in, reject_2 is recorded when the user rejects the dialog and opts out, learn_more_1 is recorded when the user clicks “Learn more” on the introduction section (the user remains opted out), learn_more_2 is recorded when the user clicks “Learn more” on the main section (the user remains opted out), close_1 is recorded when the user clicks close button on the introduction section (the user remains opted out), not_now_2 is recorded when the user clicks “Not now” link on main section (the user remains opted out), dismiss_1 recorded when the user dismisses the dialog on the introduction section (the user remains opted out), dismiss_2 recorded when the user dismisses the dialog on main (the user remains opted out).

  • browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.dataCollection.enabled: Whether the user has opted in to data collection for Firefox Suggest. This pref is set to true when the user opts in to the Firefox Suggest onboarding dialog modal. The user can also toggle the pref using a toggle switch in the Firefox Suggest preferences UI.

  • browser.urlbar.showSearchTerms.enabled: True if to show the search term in the urlbar while on a default search engine results page.

  • browser.urlbar.suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored: True if non-sponsored Firefox Suggest suggestions are enabled in the urlbar.

  • browser.urlbar.suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored: True if sponsored Firefox Suggest suggestions are enabled in the urlbar.

  • browser.urlbar.suggest.searches: True if search suggestions are enabled in the urlbar. Defaults to false.

  • browser.zoom.full (deprecated): True if zoom is enabled for both text and images, that is if “Zoom Text Only” is not enabled. Defaults to true. This preference was collected in Firefox 50 to 52 (Bug 979323).

  • security.tls.version.enable-deprecated: True if deprecated versions of TLS (1.0 and 1.1) have been enabled by the user. Defaults to false.

  • privacy.firstparty.isolate: True if the user has changed the (unsupported, hidden) First Party Isolation preference. Defaults to false.

  • privacy.resistFingerprinting: True if the user has changed the (unsupported, hidden) Resist Fingerprinting preference. Defaults to false.

  • app.normandy.test-prefs.bool: Test pref that will help troubleshoot uneven unenrollment in experiments. Defaults to false.

  • app.normandy.test-prefs.integer: Test pref that will help troubleshoot uneven unenrollment in experiments. Defaults to 0.

  • app.normandy.test-prefs.string: Test pref that will help troubleshoot uneven unenrollment in experiments. Defaults to “”.

  • network.trr.mode: User-set DNS over HTTPS mode. Defaults to 0.

  • network.trr.strict_native_fallback: Whether strict fallback mode is enabled for DoH mode 2. Defaults to true on Nightly, false elsewhere.

  • extensions.InstallTriggerImpl.enabled: Whether the InstallTrigger implementation should be enabled (or hidden and none of its methods available).

  • extensions.InstallTrigger.enabled: Whether the InstallTrigger implementation should be enabled (or completely hidden), separate from InstallTriggerImpl because InstallTrigger is improperly used also for UA detection.

  • extensions.eventPages.enabled: Whether non-persistent background pages (also known as Event pages) should be enabled for “manifest_version”: 2 extensions.

  • extensions.quarantinedDomains.enabled: Whether “Quarantined Domains” is enabled.

  • extensions.manifestV3.enabled: Whether “manifest_version”: 3 extensions should be allowed to install successfully.

  • media.gmp-gmpopenh264.enabled: Whether OpenH264 is enabled.

  • media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastDownload: When OpenH264 was last downloaded as seconds since Jan 1, 1970.

  • media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastDownloadFailed: When OpenH264 was last downloaded unsuccessfully as seconds since Jan 1, 1970.

  • media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastDownloadFailReason: The exception value when OpenH264 was last failed to downloaded.

  • media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastInstallFailed: When OpenH264 installation last failed as seconds since Jan 1, 1970.

  • media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastInstallStart: When OpenH264 installation was last started as seconds since Jan 1, 1970.

  • media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastUpdate: When OpenH264 was last updated as seconds since Jan 1, 1970.

  • media.gmp-gmpopenh264.visible: Whether OpenH264 is visible.

  • media.gmp-manager.lastCheck: When the gmp-manager last checked for updates as seconds since Jan 1, 1970.

  • media.gmp-manager.lastEmptyCheck: When the gmp-manager last checked for updates and there was nothing to install as seconds since Jan 1, 1970.

  • nimbus.qa.pref-1: Used to monitor the results of pref-setting test experiments.

  • nimbus.qa.pref-2: Used to monitor the results of pref-setting test experiments.

  • signon.firefoxRelay.feature: User choice regarding Firefox Relay integration with Firefox Password Manager. Can be one of undefined, “available”, “offered”, “enabled” or “disabled”.

  • dom.popup_allowed_events: Which events should allow popups. Only exposed with about:config.

  • intl.ime.use_composition_events_for_insert_text: Whether a set of composition events is fired when user inserts text without keyboard events nor composing state of a composition (only on Linux and macOS).

  • xpinstall.signatures.required: Whether XPI files cryptographic signatures are being verified and enforced.

  • xpinstall.signatures.weakSignaturesTemporarilyAllowed: Whether new XPI files only signed with weak signature algorithms are still allowed to be installed


This object contains the attribution data for the product installation.

Attribution data is used to link installations of Firefox with the source that the user arrived at the Firefox download page from. It would indicate, for instance, when a user executed a web search for Firefox and arrived at the download page from there, directly navigated to the site, clicked on a link from a particular social media campaign, etc.

The attribution data is included in some versions of the default Firefox installer for Windows (the “stub” installer) and stored as part of the installation. All platforms other than Windows and also Windows installations that did not use the stub installer do not have this data and will not include the attribution object.


This object contains data about the state of Firefox’s sandbox.

Specific keys are:

  • effectiveContentProcessLevel: The meanings of the values are OS dependent. Details of the meanings can be found in the Firefox prefs file. The value here is the effective value, not the raw value, some platforms enforce a minimum sandbox level. If there is an error calculating this, it will be null.

  • contentWin32kLockdownState: The status of Win32k Lockdown for Content process.

    • LockdownEnabled = 1 - After Firefox 98, this value will no longer appear in Telemetry.

    • MissingWebRender = 2

    • OperatingSystemNotSupported = 3

    • PrefNotSet = 4 - After Firefox 98, this value will no longer appear in Telemetry.

    • MissingRemoteWebGL = 5

    • MissingNonNativeTheming = 6

    • DisabledByEnvVar = 7 - MOZ_ENABLE_WIN32K is set

    • DisabledBySafeMode = 8

    • DisabledByE10S = 9 - E10S is disabled for whatever reason

    • DisabledByUserPref = 10 - The user manually set security.sandbox.content.win32k-disable to false

    • EnabledByUserPref = 11 - The user manually set security.sandbox.content.win32k-disable to true

    • DisabledByControlGroup = 12 - The user is in the Control Group, so it is disabled

    • EnabledByTreatmentGroup = 13 - The user is in the Treatment Group, so it is enabled

    • DisabledByDefault = 14 - The default value of the pref is false

    • EnabledByDefault = 15 - The default value of the pref is true

    • DecodersArentRemote = 16 - Some decoder is not remoted to RDD Process (checks PDMFactory::AllDecodersAreRemote)

    • IncompatibleMitigationPolicy = 17 - Some incompatible Windows Exploit Mitigation policies are enabled



The assumed creation date of this client’s profile. It’s read from a file-stored timestamp from the client’s profile directory.


If the timestamp file does not exist all files in the profile directory are scanned. The oldest creation or modification date of the scanned files is then taken to be the profile creation date. This has been shown to sometimes be inaccurate (bug 1449739).


The time of the last reset time for the profile. If the profile has never been reset this field will not be present. It’s read from a file-stored timestamp from the client’s profile directory.


The time of the first use of profile. If this is an old profile where we can’t determine this this field will not be present. It’s read from a file-stored timestamp from the client’s profile directory.


The time that this profile was recovered from a backup. If the profile was never recovered from a backup, this field will not be present. It’s read from a file-stored timestamp from the client’s profile directory.


If the user is using a partner repack, this contains information identifying the repack being used, otherwise “partnerNames” will be an empty array and other entries will be null. The information may be missing when the profile just becomes available. In Firefox for desktop, the information along with other customizations defined in distribution.ini are processed later in the startup phase, and will be fully applied when “distribution-customization-complete” notification is sent.

Distributions are most reliably identified by the distributionId field. Partner information can be found in the partner repacks (the old one is deprecated): it contains one private repository per partner. Important values for distributionId include:

  • “MozillaOnline” for the Mozilla China repack.

  • “canonical”, for the Ubuntu Firefox repack.

  • “yandex”, for the Firefox Build by Yandex.



This object contains operating system information.

  • name: the name of the OS.

  • version: a string representing the OS version.

  • servicePackMajor: the Windows only major version number for the installed service pack.

  • servicePackMinor: the Windows only minor version number for the installed service pack.

  • windowsBuildNumber: the Windows build number.

  • windowsUBR: the Windows UBR number, only available for Windows >= 10. This value is incremented by Windows cumulative updates patches.

  • installYear: the Windows only integer representing the year the OS was installed.

  • locale: the string representing the OS locale.

  • hasPrefetch: the Windows-only boolean representing whether or not the OS-based prefetch application start-up optimization is set to use the default settings.

  • hasSuperfetch: the Windows-only boolean representing whether or not the OS-based superfetch application start-up optimization service is running and using the default settings.



Starting from Firefox 44, the length of the following string fields: name, description and version is limited to 100 characters. The same limitation applies to the same fields in theme.

Some of the fields in the record for each add-on are not available during startup. The fields that will always be present are id, version, type, updateDate, scope, isSystem, isWebExtension, and multiprocessCompatible. All the other fields documented above become present shortly after the sessionstore-windows-restored observer topic is notified.


Up-to-date information is not available immediately during startup. The field will be populated with dummy information until the blocklist is loaded. At the latest, this will happen just after the sessionstore-windows-restored observer topic is notified.


For each experiment we collect the

  • id (Like hotfix-reset-xpi-verification-timestamp-1548973, max length 100 characters)

  • branch (Like control, max length 100 characters)

  • type (Optional. Like normandy-exp, max length 20 characters)

  • enrollmentId (Optional. Like 5bae2134-e121-46c2-aa00-232f3f5855c5, max length 40 characters)

In the event any of these fields are truncated, a warning is printed to the console

Note that this list includes other types of deliveries, including Normandy rollouts and Nimbus feature defaults.

Version History

  • Firefox 137:

    • Removed unused and Android-only fields as part of Glean mirroring support. (bug 1943698)

    • Removed browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.onboardingDialogChoice as part of removing whole onboarding dialog. (bug 1936455)

    • Removed settings.default(Private)SearchEngineData.origin (bug 1929058)

  • Firefox 88:

    • Removed addons.activePlugins as part of removing NPAPI plugin support. (bug 1682030)

  • Firefox 70:

    • Added experiments.<experiment id>.enrollmentId. (bug 1555172)

  • Firefox 67:

    • Removed persona. The addons.activeAddons list should be used instead. (bug 1525511)

  • Firefox 61: